Problems With Yoyo Bearings

My bearings suddenly started to make weird noises and at random times when the yoyo is sleeping the bearing stops spinning and starts spinning. My YYF Velocity was set on unresponsive mode it keeps coming back to me whenever I tug on it. Before it didn’t do this. I took apart the yoyo and removed the bearings. The bearings have some kind of cap on them and I can’t remove it to see if my bearings are okay. Here is a picture of my bearings.

Those are called spacers, and they’re notoriously difficult to remove. I’ve had luck wedging a butter knife into the space between the spacer and bearing to pry it out.

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If you can get it out lube the bearing, YYE sells som lube if you want it unresponsive get THIN lube

Ok thanks!

Take a peek at this:

Down near the bottom of the list are a couple of topics on removing those spacers.

I removed the spacers. Now I’m trying to remove the stubborn c-clip which I’ve been trying for hours. I used a safety pin then I used a utility knife. It won’t budge at all! Any suggestions? I think I have size A bearings. I think.

Skip the C clip. Just pry the shield off and discard. Not needed.

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how do I pry the shields of directly?

Wait nevermind. I pryed the shields and they flew somewhere. I tried searching and couldn’t find them. Now that I removed it how do I know if me bearings are broken?

Honestly every time I tried removing the shields by force instead of removing the C clips I ruined the bearing. Once you deshield the bearing, just throw it in some acetone or high % isopropyl, shake it around a bit, and dry it on a paper towel. I usually spin mine clean by sticking the bearing onto the tip of a bic and forcing the solvent out with some canned air (this also spins the bearing real fast if you apply at an angle). If it doesn’t spin freely at this point, your bearing is probably busted. It happens sometimes unfortunately.

As for the shields, the bearing is sandwiched between the yoyo. You don’t need them. I haven’t noticed any advantage to keeping them in, unlike a skate wheel where the bearing is exposed.

The yoyo started to spin a bit freely now. I have no idea why it jammed up like that.

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