Please close - with the help of the community the problem was solved

So many weird things happening here. I’ve done proxy stuff here on YYE before once or twice, but didn’t ever think about @Knomad’s point of a buyer maliciously using said proxy situation to eventually file a claim, due to it not going directly to the buyer and the buyer claiming it wasn’t “delivered to the right address.” Makes me kinda wary of doing anything like that in the future tbh.

Also the whole Jensen connection thing is so sketchy to me too man. Seems to me that it’s more like this is how the counterfeit A-RT’s are being made. I’ve been a victim/on the receiving end of counterfeit A-RT, so forgive me if I’m more cautious and skeptical than most when it comes to this. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing some fake A-RT 420s and MCMO’s popping up in the near future.

This is minor and somewhat unrelated to the situation, but @EddieJIA using that handle also might cause further confusion down the road/at first glance that A-RT the brand has somehow been involved in some. Using a brand name of a small boutique company as your handle on a forum, then scamming people is not cool. I was even confused when first reading the title of the thread, as I thought A-RT might have been involved in some sketchy business. Would be nice if Eddie Jai changed his username IMO, regardless of whether he’s at fault or not - using a company’s name for your own username doesn’t feel right to me.

Hoping your claim goes smoothly and you don’t incur any loss, @KNOMAD


I don’t know all the details, but I want to just put in my $0.02 on behalf of @Niki

I’ve done multiple trades with Niki, she’s also in a few closed yoyo groups with me. I think many of the members are here frequently, and would probably vouch for her. Since she publicly came out to be the “friend/facilitator” here, I would want to say that I personally doubt any suspicious damage/swapping came from her own doing.

This obviously is becoming a he said/she said deal, but for the most part I think a lot of trading is dependent on community and good will. Mud-slinging and speculation is harmful when we don’t have all the facts in front of us. In my mind, the most likely culprit is probably the proxy service, and we should verify this as best we can before dragging people’s reputation through the mud.

I’m speaking as an outside party, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.


I have had multiple dealings with @Niki and I can only say good things about her.

I have had two dealings with @EddieJIA and he’s been upstanding and honest.

I have also had multiple dealings with @KNOMAD and he’s an honest person who would never send out a yoyo with that kind of damage on it without disclosing it.

The most likely scenario is that the shipping company damaged the yoyo when they consolidated the package. The marks on that yoyo look like damage from a box cutter or something used to open the box.

I don’t believe any of the theories about fake A-rt or scams.


Anytime someone gives you an address and it doesn’t match their PayPal address you are at risk as the buyer. If they put in a claim it’s pretty easy for PayPal to say you didn’t ship to the correct address. I was burned many years again and learned the hard way.

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Good points here. Thanks


I’ve also shipped to Niki address before and had no problem. I actually made a second sale with this one and had shipped two packages to that address at the same time. The other seller had no problems.

This wasn’t a trade. Not sure if you read the whole thing but it’s laid out. It’s not a he said she said. And every time I catch @EddieJIA in something he stops responding.

He can’t explain why my pictures have zero damage.

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U do realise there’s time difference… It’s currently 4am at where he is, he said he will cancel the dispute in the morning.


I know that but then why did he post this?

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Because you posted this


Did you read what he wrote?

He’s not saying that he’s going to take the dispute down and continuing to to disagree.

He had time to make that post but not cancel his dispute? If he would have canceled the dispute and apologized I would have taken everything down or atleast made a post saying everything is cleared up now.

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well he did post this before i talked to him :slightly_smiling_face:


Still gotta protect my name yo! :wink:

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Yep, when I purchase something I expect it to arrive at the first address I provide in the condition described, or sort something out if it appears the postal service damaged it in transit. Anything after that… companies shipping it somewhere else for me, or multiple people or “friends”… that’s not on the original seller. I can’t expect people to take responsibility as a yoyo travels around the world, when they only shipped it locally and then I set up some extensive series of exchanges to get it to me overseas through third party or relative strangers aka friends. As a seller, you didn’t chose to take the risk of using these third parties or folks you never met as your middlemen, that was the buyers discretion.


I absolutely get a kick out of these types of threads!

Since the buyer ultimately acknowledged receiving the item, and because it passed through a shipping forwarding service that repackaged the item, that technically should absolve the seller of any responsibility.

If the item was not inspected for damage before handing it over to the forwarding service, this is not the seller’s responsibility – the PayPal transaction ended when it got to California where the buyer wanted it to be shipped.

What happened after California is not the seller’s problem and not PayPal’s problem. The time to bring up any damage would have been when the receiver/repackager in California inspected it; forwarding it on more or less proves the item was not damaged at that point.

The China buyer’s dispute now lies with the forwarding service and they should pursue a damage insurance policy claim with the forwarding service accordingly.

I am not a judge and this is not a court, but this case is dismissed.


He posted that way before you were contacted by @Niki . And she revealed herself here.


Have to chime in that @Niki has been really helpful with getting a few things I wanted from overseas including suggesting a buying agent/freight forwarder to use in China so I could get a few Yoyobarista and other things that weren’t easily found here.


I saw that late and didn’t check the time line. That’s what happens when your angry I guess.

Niki is a very nice person and I have made many transactions with her. I am also from China. She is very kind to everyone. Really, she is responsible for everyone. Please believe her. If you don’t believe her, just consider me meddling


I use this “areturntops” as my user name. Just because I like this brand.
I am not a fake yoyo manufacturer.
At present, I have reached a settlement with the seller.

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I completely understand that you are not a fake manufacturer and are using it as your username. However, what I am saying is you using that username could lead to confusion on the forums as you are not the brand. I understand you love A-RT but it’s kinda like if I joined an ice cream forum using the name “Ben & Jerry’s” cause I like the name. I love Ben & Jerry’s ice cream as much as the next guy but I’m not going to use that name so people don’t think I’m the company. Feel me?

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