Yoyo-Related Injuries

I used to box/spar and I can tell you right now nobody ever hit me harder or put me on the floor faster than that yoyo did lmaoooo

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Nice reminders that yoyos are still flywheels and flywheels are as dangerous as the amount of energy you can put into them. All the energy that you can put into a throw can and will ā– ā– ā– ā–  your day up if dumped into your face.
Edit: Just smacked the crap out of my NTH with a snagged deep state.


Yep wasnā€™t a soft throw at all, fortunately I have a hard head and it didnā€™t mess up my day other than a minor headache lol. Had it hit my eye, nose or mouth then yeah definitely wouldnā€™t be having a very good day


Just blasted myself in the eye seeing how fast I could brain twist. The string slipped off my non throw hand. My vision is still blurry. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have some fun bruising tomorrow.


Turns out that I can brain twister faster than I can see. One minute I was locked in and then the next I was on ground. My wife thought I hit the wall because my skull made a nice thud.


Had too much Lube in my nucleon (I was paranoid about taking care of it cuz itā€™s the most I spent on a throw) and it bound in the middle of a 1 and a half mount. I had a bruise in the back of my hand for 2 days and couldnā€™t throw without pain. Itā€™s quite the powerful Yoyo


Iā€™ve been lucky enough to dodge everything that has flown towards my face. Thereā€™s been a few close calls for sure.

My knuckles get wrecked on a daily basis tho.

Ya know, you wouldnā€™t think yoyo is such a painful hobby to learn. I played sports when I was younger and yo-yoing has beat me up more than anything else.


My freehand one just took a weird responsive snap and flew back and clocked me good :smiling_face_with_tear:


Man I woke up yesterday and everything seemed like it wasnā€™t too badā€¦today I woke up and didnā€™t even notice til my girl said something. Itā€™s hard to tell with my eye closed but when I blinkā€¦ya I got a black eye from a yoyo :sweat_smile:

Is it more embarrassing to tell the truth or should I just say I got beat up? Lol


Bobby Boucher would blame it on a gorilla that got loose from the Zoo I think thatā€™s always an option


Me personally? lm saying I got that from stopping a robbery or something. ā€œOh yeah the guy was HUGEEEE but I couldnā€™t let him take that old ladyā€™s purse, he got the first punch in but you should see his face this morningā€

Btw having had a few of these growing up boxing, frozen peas are gonna be your friend today. Ice works but thereā€™s something about those peas man


I would be cool with saying itā€™s yoyo related to be honest. Own it and no one will care usually.


I iced it the day it happened thinking that would be enough. My girl said the same thing about peas when it happened but I just used an ice pack. Im gonna do that now.

Iā€™m just joking about the thing about what do I say. Iā€™ve sent it to two whole chats of my friends. I think itā€™s funny haha.


Oh I know youā€™re joking me too haha, if you go up a ways in this thread youā€™ll see how my barracuda beat me up as well. Happy it was a knot on my head for a few days though and not replacing teeth :raised_hands:


Ive whacked my smackers a few times. Nothing too major but my wife thinks its hilarious.
My worst incident was when i released a front throw for a split bottom mount and the string snagged, swung around real fast and got me right in the eyebrow. Luckily it was just an arcade and nothing pointy or heavy but it did bleed. And it did hurt for a good 4 days afterward. Lesson learned.

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Fingers cracking and getting a cut from using more rough string recently.


I once knocked someoneā€™s tooth out with my yo-yo. Long story.

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Iā€™ve had a few concussions from yo-yos and at least one busted lip. The busted lip came from a spin factor without the rubber rings so it just had razor like grooves that caught my lip before class one day. I just gave the yoyo to someone that was watching and walked off to the bathroom to clean myself up. I took an eclipse with all the weight rings in it, so somewhere between 70-80 grams to the temple on a bad bind. I donā€™t remember if I was knocked out but I know I went to the ground in pain.

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I was at a mall and some kid asked me to do around the world an I ended up doing the trick and hitting myself in the eye


Got a new one!

Iā€™m wearing a bandage contact lens right now after scratching my cornea with my TiNy on Thursday night.

The emergency room doc and ophthalmologist both let me know that the cornea is incredibly dense with nerves and Iā€™m thinking, yeah, I know. If I didnā€™t know before I know now!