Yoyo injuries

what are some yoyo injuries you have had?


Mostly bonking really fast spinning yoyos into the backs of my hands. If its going fast enough it will peel off a layer or two of skin, in addition to the bruise. I did hit myself in the lip once but it was not a hard impact. That hit did put the fear in me though!!


Black eye a couple months ago was the worst.


Bloody face


While trying to do some sorta round the world trapeze combo thingy…aka…goofing around…the yoyo flew around and smacked me in the bridge of my nose. It hurt bc it was a hard throw and actually cut me so I bled a little.

Ironically enough…the yoyo that assaulted me was my Duncan Counterpunch.

Go Figure !


Traumatized by dinging my 5th anniversary Draupnir, then was happily suprised that no visible damage was done to it. However, the extreme mood swings ended up inducing migraine, which nearly beated me to death in the next five hours.


I busted my lip, bruised my head/face. and i shattered my ceiling fan. (dont know if that counts)


I once hit my eye with a Yoyo when i had pink eye and it made having pink eye hurt WAY more.

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About 7 or 8 years ago I picked up a yoyo that I forgot had a knot I hadn’t picked yet and decided throwing it very hard was a good idea. Came right back and popped my eye socket so hard that it popped the skin open and I had a bruised bone that was tender to the touch for about a month.

Still have a little scar from that incident to remind me to 1. Always pick knots as they happen, and 2. Throw more relaxed!

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I have constant bruising on my forearms

at least a couple black eyes have happened

I’ve probably bruised a couple finger bones

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Crotched myself pretty well a few days ago

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Yo yo hit my lip so hard my tooth went through my lip and chipped.


Also broken 1 light bulb so far and hit my dog once…

I accidentally did the DNA in my sister’s hair. I had to cut the yoyo and string out of her hair with scissors!


Was tryna do some horizontals, ended up with a goose egg between my eyes

Once I threw my shutter at full power, little did I know the string wasn’t wrapped up properly, it snagged half way and swung full speed into my eye. Ended up in the A&E with scratches to the front of the eye. The doctor was quite puzzled when I told him I hit myself with a yoyo :sweat_smile:

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Just now i hit myself in the eye with a hard ball counterweight.