The Atmos X RSO Gravity fits your descriptions too
Yeah, I just checked, and it seems that about 1/2 of RSO’s stuff fits my description. lol
What’s the deal with Charles? Did he make a funny that offended someone?
This is quite the can of worms… I don’t want my thread to get scrubbed or locked, he said some things that some people didn’t like, you can find more info here on the forums.
let’s keep this thread a kind place, please? too many of my threads have turned to malice…
Without re-iterating here, you can find most of the information in this thread: Anyone receive or get to throw the A-rt Inhaler yet? - #81 by beezy
I really think Charles is funnier than in that. Just an off day, I guess.
I agree, that performance was not his best; my family was watching AGT in 2023, and I had to sit back in silence as my family made fun of Chuck, lol. (e.g. “He’s not funny” “He needs a haircut” “He sells yoyos? Evan, do you know this weirdo?”)
This performance is so funny, Simon just doesn’t get it. Chuck just stays so calm and cool. Rusted Bike on the Bus, I appreciate his humor. But then again I’m all for Purple hats on Platypuses.
“So duh” is an expression that conveys the idea that something is obvious or self-evident
Side-effects are severely limiting your choices. The chances of stripping an axle in a Ti throw is pretty small unless you set out to do it.
I see no great value to a Titanium throw with SE’s. Quite the opposite. Side-effects add a huge amount of weight to the center of the yo-yo which is precisely where it is not needed. Titanium yo-yo’s excel by being able to accommodate extreme weight distributions that would not be possible in aluminum. Adding central weight is not something you would want to do with titanium. Instead, you would want to use titanium’s strength to make thin-walls and push the weight to the rims.
how did this end up working out?
Have you gotten to play around with an Ari? I was originally thinking along the same lines you were, but the design works so well with side effects in a way that no other SE model I’ve tried does. It goes from a Grail-like float to solid competition feeling.
I don’t think the ideal weight distribution is necessarily all weight to the rims, and a PC/SS hybrid is better for that than titanium anyways.
I enjoy center weight–frankly I don’t like using excellent yoyos, I enjoy a little tilt or vibe.
I really don’t need you to tell me what I should want, I’ve figured it out for myself already.
thanks for your help…
The dollar store Walter? It’s pretty great but a lot more work than I planned. I wanted a tighter gap than just greasing the c bearing, but CLYW bearing posts are massive so I had to grind the posts down to fit a half spec in. It’s a fun little responsive now but a lot of work.
Here are a few of my grails - Most of them are things I used to have and regret getting rid of. A few are some I totally missed out on.
One Drop Sovereign - I stupidly traded / sold my first-run edition several years ago because I needed rent at the time. Felt so dumb for doing it and they have gotten so much more rare over the years. I would love another one that would never leave ever again.
One Drop CiTizen - I didn’t get a chance to order one when they came out and have been wanting one ever since!
One Drop - Nickel 54, Nickel Y-Factor, Nickel Yelets, Nickel everything! LOL!
LuftVerk - Most of the early Ti stuff - I totally missed all of them. 000, ano 000, silvia, Ultima (and it’s variants), ti-peak, daytona I really dig the shape on the daytona and it’s variants. Daytona SE bronze octavia, evora (there are a few iterations), probably forgetting some…
Anti-Yo BSP, EETSIT, Bape, Fluchs - Sold all of them, would love to re-own them all haha!
YYF PPK and 401k - I had several 401ks and loved them but never managed to snag the ppk. They are stupid rare now days.
Werrd - pretty much all of them. Again had a few when they were available and traded them, love to have them back haha!
Oxy - I mean… IYKYK
Spyy Radian II - Dude I had like 5 of these things and traded them all! I wish I could go back and slap my past self. The Addict was also pretty sick. Nickel Radian 3 was just woah. Probably one of the rarest things now days though.
Yoyofriends ti koi 2023 Halloween edition.
I’m sure there’s plenty more but that’ll do for now hahaha!
the OD reboot might be a bit wider
bit otherwise fits the bill
side effects
slightly undersized
i have the 6061 version and its good
Reboot looks pretty cool, actually…
It somehow slid under my radar? Looks awesome!
I think this might be it… the Holy Grail!
(We need a nickel Reboot!!)