Which Yoyo Is Your “Holy Grail”?

The title says it all. Which Yoyo Is Your “Holy Grail”?

Which yo-yo have you been dying to have since you were in diapers? Which one has eluded you for so long?

Here you can talk about anything related to your “Holy Grail”! Why is it your favorite? what’s the history behind it? here, you can give any info on your all time favorite(s)!

I’ll start: my “Holy Grail” is the “Freehand MG”!

This is a yoyo that I have wanted for some time now! This thing was crazy when it came out. $400 just seemed like so much money! (Partly because it is) it seemed like a legend, and it still eludes me!

Let’s just say I’d be quite the happy camper if I ever got one…


Mustang grade 5

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“The Works” Peak, painted by Levi, photo from YoyoBrothers’ Instagram page.

The art work is suducing me


Holy Caribou! That’s beautiful!

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I can’t definitively decide whether I’ve ever had, but you would consider technically… A holy Grail have to have yo-yo?

Many years ago when the Duncan MG yo-yo was released, I also was a little set off by the $400 price tag.

Came in a nice presentation style wooden box with some Counter weights, some bits and pieces the halves, Etc.… And was stunning regardless of the color.

The red and the blue are actually metallic powder coats and they did a hell of a good job, In my opinion.

I ended up buying a few for my collection. I bought one of the red ones secondhand but in excellent shape. So to this day, I have a blue metallic and a black MG both brand new in their wooden boxes.

What kept me from breaking in to those boxes and just tossing the new MG’s around was one of the most amazing things that happened in my corner of yo-yo land.

Steve Brown at the time was big on promoting Duncan products and he was all over the planet doing crazy tricks, making people laugh and teaching people how to throw. One of the yo-yos that he had was one of the first the silver looking for lack of a better description MG yo-yos. It appeared to be lightly blasted and in clear coated to keep the magnesium from oxidizing.

Steve would take that yo-yo with him all over the planet that sucker has bounced off walls and bounced off floors and probably bounced off a few heads all over the world. Steve actually did a couple 4A type demonstrations with it over concrete or asphalt or whatever and occasionally he would miss to the sounds of yo-yos bouncing, and people laughing.

I’ve known Steve for a couple decades at least and I’m not saying we’re the best pals, but we’ve got along very well since the day we met. He was well aware that I used to try to screw around modding yo-yos, and such. And I was well aware of the fact that was Steve’ was on his game especially way back then when he was throwing yo-yos around all the time basically he was hard to top as a multifaceted, yo-yo personality, and performer.

One day many years ago we were both at a contest, just chatting and making rounds and I asked him something. I said hey Steve, that silver MG that you’ve been beating the crap out of if you ever get tired of beating the crap out of it you can give it to me, ha ha ha ha. He just smiled and said I’ll do that.

As a few years past occasionally, I would think about that silver MG that was Steve Brown’s personal traveling demo yo-yo. Using simple logic with no emotion attached, I figured when Steve got done with it he would just put it on display or put it in his dresser.

I can’t remember how much time had passed, but one day I was talking to Steve and he said I’m gonna send you some parts to mod that I don’t really have anything to do with now. He wanted to make sure he had my address straight and I told him OK I’ll look forward to Cutting up whatever you send.

A week or so later I got a shoebox of a bunch of crap, crazy random parts, which is perfect for a Dr. Frankenstein like me. When I got to the bottom of the package, there was a little piece of cloth in the corner of the box which kind of puzzled me. Because the other halves and whatever… Were not in bubbles or anything they were just kind of floating around in the box. But this piece of cloth obviously was wrapped around something, and it was in the bottom of the box

So I reached in shaking my head what’s in this piece of cloth? I unwrapped it and it was Steve’s demo MG. I clearly remember how happy I was when the cloth came off the top of that sucker and I knew exactly what it was… A beat up OGMG for me!

I was just amazed at how durable that yo-yo seemed to be. Steve didn’t deliberately try to beat it up. It just kind of happened here and there as he went through the paces of being one of the top players and one of the best ambassadors for yo-yoing and for any yo-yo company that ever existed.

I wanted the yo-yo. I didn’t do anything special to deserve the yo-yo. And I didn’t wish for the yo-yo. But Steve gave me the yo-yo anyway.

So basically, I got my Holy Grail yo-yo without even knowing I had a holy Grail yo-yo.


I am trying to define my next Grail.

I think it will be the Spencer Berry Walter.

Back story: Discovered Modern Responsive is my Happy place. Then started down a rabbit hole.

My Grail was the Spyy Flying V for the longest time. An amazing Gentleman on these forums helped that dream become a reality for me.

Have fun.


Hey, if you ever get tired of beating up a freehand mg, let me know. Haha


Come on guys, post them “Holy Grails”!


Aspen No Jive is really the last No Jive I hope someday to add to my collection, and the last “grail” I’m really seeking (although not seeking too hard lol).


That’s beautiful! I’m getting a no jive from my brother soon. I’m looking forward to learning some of my favorite tricks!

P.S. I hope I don’t embarrass you, but your videos are very entertaining!


Even finding someone willing to sell it to me was a hecking pain. In short-terms, all my quest to finish my pyro collection made sense when this ultimate piece “entered the chat room” :joy:

Currently, i’m not on a search for a new “holy grail”. Just some good wishes :thought_balloon:


That’s really cool. If I ever get a freehand mg, my next grail will definitely be a ywet.

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Dude, your MG is an OG. It’s the most beautiful of all. I have a 2nd gen. I love playing with mine. It’s my only MG, it’s a unique feeling compared to other materials.
It looks like plastic mixed with aluminum at the same time haha :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sorry for the confusion. The mg is not mine! It’s just the yo-yo I want most.

I pick your peak. Love the woodgrain on it because of my background in woodworking. It is an amazing piece! Happy for you that you have it!

That or anything g2 in the rainicorn colorway. It is just too good.


Thanks! You sure do have a taste

Here are a couple more photos of it that I haven’t shared yet


oops! sorry hahahaha I was the one who read your answer quickly hahaha
Do you have a preference for color or something? I can remember you when I sell mine :smirk: hahaha

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I think the Red one is nicest, but not by much.

No need. I could never afford it.

I can understand if not… but would you mind posting a picture of the Freehand MG? I kind of want to see it…

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I’ve always wanted an OG YWET prototype in red/gold.

The Static optimally geared one would work for me as well (let me know if you want to sell).

Another one I checked off a few years ago: 1/18 SPYY Radian (anodized & lasered iteration)