Which Yoyo Is Your “Holy Grail”?

That is just plain stunning.

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Here ya go>



I’ve always wanted to get a Hulk Smash Peak one day. I was close to getting one earlier this year but it slipped through my fingers. Of all the Peak colours, it’s my favorite with Sebby Brock as a close second.

A more recent hunt has been for a yellow/gold Panorama. I think they were one of the first runs made so there must be a few out there. I’ve wanted to make a half swap with my baby blue colour to match in with my Mega Shock YWET.

Maybe one day…


Any G2 AL7 Triton…



Spencer Berry has copper Theodore’s for sale on his site. Have you already snagged one of those?

I have not. Ill check it out.

That is sublime; the red OGMG is my “Holy Grail”… I’ll take some peanut butter with my jelly. :joy:


What YoYo have I wanted since I was young and still don’t have. Well… it’s not a good YoYo by any metric that exists but I’ve wanted a rev g for a very long time.


To answer your question literally, yes I do have a Holy Grail


I didn’t even know that existed. Haha

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I’ve never had the pleasure of throwing a titanium yo-yo… what do people like about it?

The YWET is second to my “Holy Grail”, I really like the original orange/blue one.

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I don’t have a holy grail because I am still quite new but the Dinosaur in the Wild is becoming a bit of an unhealthy obsession of mine.


I’d say an original The End yoyo is my grail. It’s a unicorn at this point. Ony 20 something were made.


I’ve always wanted a Pedro Flores yo-yo. Someday… hopefully


If you’re ever thinking of letting it go, think of me. :eyes:


This is a rather loaded question that has threads upon threads in the forums discussing that nuance; so I’ll leave this @yoyodoc link

As far as for the Grail, I still think in play the original 6061 version is still the “real” Grail… and as far as collectability the Unholy Grail may also be more sought after.



A worthy yoyo to look out for. The YWET is hands down one of the best yoyos thrown by man.

It comes in so many different versions too!

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Buried somewhere deep within the annals of my parents house are my og Fireball and Saber Raider. I have looked high and low for them but just cannot find them. They def count as a holy grail. Here are examples of what they looked like.

I still remember the trip to pick the Saber Raider up from Zany Brainy all those years ago. It took a lot of begging and a lot of chores, but I got it; The Trapeze Machine.

And I got a fireball just like this on Christmas Day of ‘98. I remember running down the street to my friends house to fail at doing anything but a sleeper and rock the baby, but just loving MY Fireball. My first High Performance Yo-Yo

I could buy them, I guess, but times are pretty tight, and I really shouldn’t buy anything else frivolous this year. And it’s not the same as finding the ones from my childhood.