The Peak seems incredible! great yoyo.
Nah he’s still the goat and idc what any overly poltically correct cry babies have to say about it lol @Snoopy
You know what, I wasn’t given the full gist of it, I’ll read on it myself and come to my own conclusion.
Alright–I’ve decided to take a step back and truly define what would be my Holy Grail.
I started thinking, it would have to be durable, so I would probably want it to be made of 7068/7075 Aluminum or Titanium, and to add to the durability/longevity thing, I would want it to be Side Effect compatible, so I don’t need to worry about stripping it. (that is how SE work, right?)
And now the Weight, I’m not really sure on the weight? I haven’t actually bothered to determine what weight I prefer, but probably about a heavyish-medium weight, if that makes sense? maybe 65g - 67g?
as for Size, definitely undersized, 50mm - 52mm in diameter, and 38mm - 40mm in width.
Shape… definitely organic, there is no question there at all.
And probably a size C or D bearing, I think that’s around my sweet spot.
Alright, I’ve pretty much defined my Holy Grail, now are there any yoyos actually like that?
Oooh, the Mecha-Bapezilla is pretty much exactly what I described… except its sold out! (and $400 nonetheless)
$490 bucks? gosh dang, how fat do they think my wallet is?
thanks for the help, though!
There have been a few on here too, but yeah they are not cheap lol. I like that Luftwerk a whole lot, definitely adding to my list
Save up for a Sudo, when in doubt Parlay to save the day
Ditto @exmime, sudo/parlay fit what you’re looking for. Also, so does the RSO End Part II (minus the SE’s though).
The End Part 2 is a lot better than the Parlay I think. Also I like the titanium version less than the aluminums, though I haven’t tried the RSO SE titanium models.
The End Part II doesn’t use Side Effects though.
Oof gonna open a big can of worms there lol
Was gonna say the same until I saw the diameter! Asora feels kinda small though, in a good way. From memory I would have called it 54.
Asora definitely looks sweet, the diameter isn’t too bad, but I definitely prefer smaller than that.