Which Yoyo Is Your “Holy Grail?”

Thank you!!!

I saw Steve B give the first ever run away to each member of Duncan Crew while standing on a table at my first ever worlds, 2004. Magical moment for me, so I also always wanted one.

  • Any of Shinobu’s mods/creations are also on my list, who created the original MG.

That Freehand MG video was filmed late at night in the winter in Cleveland on my 14th floor balcony. It was like 15 degrees that night. Had a ton of fun filming it. So glad you liked it.

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I’ve heard a rumor for many years that when you were playing 5A during the video, an MG flew off your balcony-- I’ve been wondering for years if that was true, can you confirm? :kissing:

It’s true! It was while filming the video, yeah.

But I stomped on the counterweight last second before it fell all the way down to the ground. (Counterweight under my foot, yoyo hanging off the balcony.)

I DID lose a brand new One Drop machined Duncan Triumph on top of the Paradise CA flumes. We were on the side of a cliff. :joy:

Gabe caught that on video:


Haha. You couldn’t have ended that trick any better! Hands on hips with a head nod to the yo-yo gods!

Ps. Friended you on FB. I don’t hang out there much but what the heck. My profile is entirely yo-yo related so you won’t get any family/friend spam.

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Awesome! haha, I’m glad to hear you didn’t lose it entirely; do you still have it? I’m an MG fanboy who would love to know.

too bad about the Duncan Triumph, was it yours or were you just using it for the video?

Hey all! as you may know, I recently acquired a Freehand MG, (Thanks @OhDavidBowie!) but, it is one of the newer ones (Silicone Recessed) and while I feel very very grateful to own this, I’m still hoping to get an OG MG one day!

(Pic below is of a Red OG MG)

I think it would be coolest to own a red one, as that is the one I’ve wanted for all these years, but ultimately, I just like knowing these OGs exist.

And so, I thought it would be kind of neat if any of you who had one posted a pic or two! obviously you don’t have to, but these things are so cool! it is definitely a big dream to own one, but for now, let me look at 'em!

Post away, Folks! and thanks.


Holy Grail Update!

So–I’ve got a new Holy Grail now, the General-Yo Hatrick!

I’m mostly posting about this to bump my thread. :sweat_smile:


I need to get my hands on one :star_struck:

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@JSERR and I can both say it is worth it to track one down.


This would be one of my top picks for my holy grail piece, runs around 400 from what I see. It was the one I wanted and never got back in the day, and I can’t imagine I’m alone in that fact :joy: One day perhaps but definitely not in the cards now, so qualifies. This particular one had the tin, accessories and even the Og receipt with it. (It’s not mine)


One of mine was the Danny Freehand One. Acquired one last night, should be here in a few days, stupid excited.

Edit: Shoot me a message if you have been wanting one at MSRP and I’ll point you in the right direction, as I’m unsure if this run is making it to yoyoexpert or not, and numbers on these were very limited on the first release, unsure if this release will be limited numbers as well


Nice man!

Holy crap, I had that same Fireball when I was a kid, probably got it in 98 as well! Never properly learned much about yoyo until 2020, wish I still had that thing.

As for a holy grail throw, I don’t really have one. My Tishee is my holy grail and I’ll be blown away if I ever get something in my hands I like more.


Dert Donut

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The nickel plated Skywalker someone stole from me :frowning:

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Purple Haze Life


I was at a big birthday party for my sister when I was younger and she had a friend group of sketchy individuals.

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Ah–the “Faux Group,” I have a sister who had some sketchy friends, they never stole any of my stuff though. that just sucks.

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I’m kinda surprised but i actually acquired my holy grail :face_holding_back_tears: ty again @yogurt

Charles is my favorite yoyoer so this one means alot to me, his old 3rd run maple drip peak