What other hobbies/activities do you guys do?

Tough guy…

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I do love to fight, and argue… A man after my true heart :heart:


I think this is considered a hobbie. I play competitive in a mobile esport called Brawl Stars. Also love videogames in general. Just started to learn a bit of JavaScript from a mobile app-I really want to learn programming but sometimes it just gets so tedious xD.


Canoeing, camping, fishing. Canoe local rivers usually once a week, with two trips to the boundary waters each summer. Work out 4-5 times a week.

And every Saturday I work in the yard
Pick up the dog do
Hope that it’s hard

Bell Northstar (carbon fiber/kevlar, tandem)

Bell Magic (carbon fiber/kevlar, solo)


I started learning the piano in October, using an app.

It has been a lot of fun


Video Games - nuff’ said

Videography and Cinematography - To this day I’m still learning and the best part of this is meeting new people and having fun

Chess - Not bad, but not that good. I can beat most people in my school, including my coach, but other than that I suck

Photography - I LOVE this but I can’t find the right time to go out and get some good shots
.Cooking - Started when my mom got me an air fryer, and still do it to this day

Jigsaws - I do this regularly but not everyday. I was crazy enough to get a 1000 piece as my first.

Gundams - I simply love putting together plastic pieces together, there’s just something so satisfying when you finish the Gundam.

And finally:

Arguing With People and Blabbering About Pointless Things -
Pineapple on pizza is amazing
Vaccines don’t cause autism
The South Pole is colder than the North Pole
2+2 = fish

And that’s about it.

Used to speedcube but stopped when I can’t manage to do CFOP.


Halibut, trout, or catfish?:fish:



Beauty of a canoe! Love the wood. What’s the maintenance?


A couple of coats of Watco Exterior oil 2-3 times a season, then a final coat at the end of the season.


Nice! That’s not bad at all. How many days on the water each season?

Usually 10 days over the two weeks in the Boundary Waters, and at least once a week on the St. Croix river from late April to late October depending on ice-out and the first hard freeze. April is a bit iffy depending on the amount of snow we had. River can get kind of high and fast. Fast isn’t bad but since I usually go alone I have to paddle both upstream and downstream when I go.

I have been dirtbiking for years. Like throwing it brings me a lot of joy. I really enjoy that it gets me out of the house. The thrill of exploring mountain trails in the high country of Colorado is almost second to none.


I used to play alot of Chess and belonged to Chess club & Latin club in HS…wanted to play Tennis & Golf & Wrestling & Soccer…but then none in college…huh? Guess I was not as ambitious as my parents wanted me to I was a college outcast…I missed many a college event!

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Can’t tell too much from the pic, but that looks like a nice little truck you’ve got there also!

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Just read the first 30 or so replies and realized how long this thread is lol. I’ll read the rest later.

Yoyo is my main hobby right now. Besides that, I play video games and I play guitar & bass. Other hobbies include begleri, ThumbChucks, balisong, cardistry, speedcubing, lots of little finger dexterity things like that. I’m pretty bad at all of them. I also have an Etsy shop making paracord stuff, I really enjoy weaving paracord into leashes and stuff like that.

And yoyo string making has become a whole separate hobby, lol I started because my favorite string shop closed but it’s quickly become as much fun as yoyo!

My Instagram used to be @wolfe.begleri but I got so into yoyo that I had to change it to @badwolfe.skilltoys since I have other interests :rofl:

As for non-skill toy hobbies, I enjoy running. My wife and I ran a half marathon last year, we’re out of practice now but we really want to get back into it.


sleep & drink water

I take my sleep hygiene seriously, nothing less than 8 hours on the reg - I’ve been drinking water exclusively for about 3 years now

Zero caffeine (soda, tea, coffee) and 2-4 beers annually makes me the :sweat_drops:water man:sweat_drops:


That used to be me, but I’ve been hitting the caffeinated pop pretty hard for a couple of years. But I’ve been all water for two weeks, and trying to get back there. Thanks for the motivation to keep going.


Crikey that’s really impressive! I drink a lot of water every day, but I drink a lot of other things too. Water is great though