How I mod my Deep State (and other yo’s)

I remembered that I have tried a Proyo that I got for a friend too. The looping was very similar but with a way more solid feel (on the Deep State). Are those considered fixed or wood transaxle?

I’ve always thought of a transaxle as a sleeve (metal,wood, plastic) that spins free on an axle but the proyo is described as having a wooden sleeve. Either way yeah proyo can be decent loopers to I use mine often to the point I need to start thinking about getting spare wood sleeves at some point.

Recently I half specked a Fulvia Hybrid. Kind of a fun throw this way.

My McMaster Order came in.

Waiting on the ZGRT order now. I did pick up some of the Narrower D bearings to play with.

Any updates on the Bumble Bee Silicone debacle… I mean… trial?


Are your Proyos old or new? I tried brand new ones. I couldn’t form a liking for them. I wonder if the plastic on them has suffered like the newer Yomegas. I bought some glow fireballs from that auction place. Since they haven’t made glow fireballs in some time I knew I was getting vintage plastic. New ones just aren’t as solid. Also if you compare an old Imperial to a new one it’s the same thing. The old stuff has very solid feeling plastic. The new Proyos I tried felt like they may suffer from “movie car syndrome”. You know…immediately explode on impact. Also, do they smooth up as they break in?

I’ve half spec’s a Duncan Barracuda and that was fun but I switched it back. I just have a deeply engrained lean toward responsive play and had to try it. I’ve since gotten much more used to unresponsive but I still try to tug them back every single time I strap one on. :roll_eyes:

What ya puttin those narrow D’s in?

On the bumblebee I cleaned it all up and put Flow Grooves back in. It actually plays pretty decent with those. And when my blank from ZGRT gets here I plan on trying that.

I have an old proyo and two new. The new do feel much cheaper. I think your right that’s true of most plastic yo-yos new vs old.

Yeah like any wood axle over time it’ll smooth out I take a bit of 100 grit sand paper to rough em up again if needed but eventually the axle wears out and breaks if used enough.

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Not sure yet to be Honest. But I like the idea of having options.

Hopefully Half Spec C’s come back into stock.


@Pun1sh3R I’ve looked high and low for a higher quality narrow C’s to no avail. There are MYY and Yo-yo king options available at Amazon though, and you can get some gems among those. Also read a review saying you might even get 10 balls from MYY. Seems like the YYK’s could be the same. Hard to say though. I had planned on getting some at some point.

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Yeah I think the problem here is responsive play is usually supplemented with grease or lube to get the right tug response so “quality” is a bit spares in the half/slim bearing world. I do have some really nice c bearings that have come with some yo-yos but I haven’t found a source I can buy just a bearing in its own that’s not just a standard 8 ball often filled with grease.


Yup. All of mine are from the yo-yos I have. I actually pulled them all and cleaned them dry. Then tested and rated them by timing their spin and checking for slack. I put them on the removal tool and give them a good start then time them till they stop. For slack I still use the removal tool but I hold the outer ring and use the tool like a lever to see how much I can rock the inner ring. Some are pretty bad and some are pretty good. I take the best and put them in my favorite throws and the others go in the ones I only have to hand to others to try. But some OD half specs would be outstanding!!!


So one yo-yo I didn’t mention because it comes with narrow and standard C bearings and it played great with the narrow bearing without needing to modify anything is my Yomega Groov. This is by no means a fabulous yo-yo but I really enjoy the shape and the way it plays. I’ve been on the lookout for a while though, for a nicer yo-yo with similar specs to the Groov but better play. So I got a Recess Snack. A very , very nice yo-yo if you’re fond of the undersize as I am. I was interested in making this play responsive. Well the dry narrow bearing and 2 of the .010” shims along with thick string make this a fantastic responsive yo-yo for 1a style play. No other modifications necessary. :grin: The Groov will certainly be getting much less attention now.


I might have miss it, but can you post a link to those shims or send me a pm.


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Its was posted earlier in the tread.


I think I am going to give this a try too. My daughter gifted me a Snack for Christmas last year. It doesnt see a lot of play time in its current unresponsive set up.

Still waiting on mail for parts.

Think Ill start looking for some Yoyo Rope. I only have Medium thickness as my thickest string right now.

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I tried to put the Snack together with no shims and the posts hit and leave the bearing loose. So I was thinking I was going to need to trim the posts but I thought…no wait, let me try the shims. I was sure it’d be too much. I tried a .020 and upon inspection noticed a slight gap between the bearing and the seat. Let’s try the .010. I just knew this wasn’t going to be too much gap still. Upon testing though, it was perfect.

@Pun1sh3R Now here is where I say that I could be calling this a thick string where the community might consider it medium. I put Zipline Signature Plus strings on it. On their website they refer to these as “regular/thick hybrid leaning toward thick”. So you may have what you need already.
So far, the Confusion and Bumblebee are the only 2 that I’ve needed “rope” on in order to get that really “free” feeling play. The only string I’ve found for sale currently that is similar in size to the sample Zeekio Jumbo string I had was Snake Bite strings Monster string. This works but is wound pretty loose and plays “slick feeling”. I know there are other string makers out there who may offer some Type 12/13 string, but I am unaware of them. So if anyone happens to know a source of yo-yo rope :rofl: please share a link. I had already convinced myself that I would be needing to make some. I’ve never done this before but tutorials make it look pretty easy and I’ve read comments on this forum of many who seem to make their own string. So why not try. This will certainly be a future project unless a source comes to my knowledge.

And thank you for referring to that link for @Hojo-YoYo

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The other yo-yo I picked up was the new Origen. I feel like this one would also be more agreeable with the “rope” on it. It’s “not bad” but it’s not great either. Given that it plays an MR85 bearing, there’s no real way to narrow the gap and I feel like it only needs an ever so slight adjustment anyways. But a thicker string would surely fill the gap. I love the shape and size though. It’s right up my alley as far as feel in the hand too. It also plays pretty darn smooth and it’s pretty to look at😁. But it’s no Deep State, RBC, Deeper State….
I’ll try it with thick string soon.
Please…if anyone tries something similar; on any yo-yo really, please share your thoughts here. Aside from chat and possibly trying to flow pads again, that’s about all I have. If you feel like I’ve missed something or have questions, please feel free to post them here. Again…thanks for your interest.


I really like the Origen and don’t feel that it needs a narrower gap. It’s pretty responsive as is, even running the bearing stock (I’m not sure if it was pre-lubed; I haven’t really taken it apart a lot). I don’t like the finish, so if I was going to mod it I’d try to change that either with tumbling and roughing it up or trying to strip the anno entirely.

If you want something for tinkering, the Butterfly XT plays modern responsive well right out of the package, but it can be modded with weight rings, can accommodate a slim or full size C bearing or blank, can swap caps, can install mod spacers to make it wider, and is cheap and ubiquitously available in the USA.

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When I saw the new toddler lynkx was d bearing my first thought was ohh I could make that unresponsive… I held my wallet. I shouldn’t be buying more yo-yos at the moment but man ohh man was that nearly a buy just to see what I could do with it. Maybe someone will sell one at some point on Bst

I have certainly given thought to the Butterfly XT as well. And I agree that the finish on the Origen is “sticky” but I do like looking at it. :grin: And there is certainly nothing “bad” about it. Mine is just a tad unpredictable and that’s where I’m coming from with my comments. But for $20…there’s just no going wrong with the Origen. I’ve definitely been far more disappointed with much more expensive throws out of the box. Ie Bumblebee…


That’s a fair assessment I didn’t think about it but I used a thick string on my Origen from day one.

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