Fixed Axle Friday Throws

This is SWEET!


Throwing this Psychedelic classic on this not so sunny vacation day. Perfect opportunity for getting some Bandalores tricks down.

Have some fixed fun today, fellow Yoyo enthusiasts :yo-yo:

Good Yo!


Where are you?

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In Andalusia, Spain. Near Tarifa.
From here I can see the shoreline of Morocco…


Ah and by the way, look what I brought with me…:wink:

Thanks again, mate. Best traveling pouch ever!


:star_struck: So glad you are enjoying it! This brings me a lot of joy. I love mine for travelling too!


Diamond life.


I converted my El Mijo Polycarb over to fixed axle for the first time for Fixed Axle Friday.

First impression: wow, I can’t believe how quiet this is!

Second impression: wow, I can’t get this to spin for more than 10 seconds!

What are the secrets to get more spin time? I’m using Kitty normal string if that matters.


I’ve found that a thicker string helps the Mijo spin longer. Maybe something to do with the resistance on the unravel.

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Thank’s, I’ll try to size up to fat and XL and see how it plays.

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I like Kitty fat and Twisted Stringz extra fat in my Mijo’s for fixed.

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With fixie, you’re not going to get much more sleep time than that. Especially with something as light and small as the mijo. There’s still lots of cool tricks you can do. I believe there are fixie tutorials here on yye or you can scroll back through this thread and watch some of the videos for cool tricks, that don’t require a lot of sleep time.

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Welcome to the joy of modding modern responsives into being postmodern fixies!!! :joy: The key to playing fixed-axle is embracing the beauty of limitation and appreciating its simplicity and minimalism. As you mentioned, it’s quiet. You don’t have to worry about a bearing dying on you randomly, or having to clean bearings at all! 10 seconds of spin time sounds great! :+1:

Fixie play is all about making the most of what the yo-yo can do, principally stalls, which allow you to move the yo-yo through other planes. In life, limitations are what drive art.


Thanks, it seems I need to recalibrate my expectations in terms of spin. I know a few tricks that I can be done with a responsive but obviously much easier to do with the RBC. With the Mijo even the slightest string rub on the wall kills the spin. I’ll keep at it! I’m enjoying looping with it.

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A nice pair.


I almost want to get and ther pair just to try and half swap them


Man… that would be a unique swap wouldn’t it?


Happy Friday. Throwing the @EF.n.YOYO FS mod Butterfly and the Spinworthy Bloodcell today.


Some Butterfly and some Spinworthy Harbingers for more serious 1A , cause I’m working on some Fixed Rancid Milk mounts like @colinleland 12 years ago


Been going through the Skills Addict app to learn some stuff and get comfortable recording myself. I have decided to challenge myself to use only stock butterflies for the compulsory throw, picture and string tricks. Here’s a couple clips!

It’s honestly been a lot of fun lol
Especially after I got this glowy guy