Fixed axle yoyo recs

I wanna do some more Fixed Axle February stuff. The thing is, my only fixed axle is a Duncan Imperial. I already did the Imperial challenge, and I just really… do not want to continue any further with it. It was a real headache.

I know the Butterfly is the big rec, but I couldn’t find one in any stores near me today. I’d actually like to order something from YYE because I’m already getting some stuff, and I want to qualify for free shipping, but it seems like there aren’t a lot of options. Either that or my search criteria isn’t pulling up all the possibilities. Is there anything in the shop for like $10-$20 that anyone knows of?


you could get a blank.

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Was thinkin about that. Might do it.

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I’m not seeing any fixed axle throws on YYE.

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Well darn.

Not in stock anyway.

I stand corrected lol


Thanks for searching for me! That gap looks a little unforgiving but perhaps… Perhaps.

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I love the ProYo. A ProYo II was my first YoYo. I still have it and enjoy playing it. Watch some of Ed’s old videos with them. Crazy stuff including a clean Mach 5 that’s inspired me to play fixed once in a while. They have been around for a long time… and $6.50 is not much to give one a try. :slight_smile:

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Ok… you’ve convinced me!!!

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You can get a legend wing from yoyofactory direct theyre like 10$ yye doesnt have many fixed axles rn or maybe @AndreBoulay has something in an old box or something idk

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Love my Proyos

Not much talk about them compared to butterflys, but I think there might be a newer mold than what’s pictured on YYE store. Mine don’t have any dimples near the rim.


Oh whoa, those look wild!

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The green pair are what I used to film the Hydr0A challenges this month.
So far only Collin, Henry and Keith have been foolhardy enough to face the Hydr0A. Have a crack and you have a 1/4 chance to win these:


Aw man I only ordered one ProYo :weary:


You could email yye and see if they have any dead stick fixed axle but yeah they don’t have much inventory.

Personally my favorite recently have been the wood dazzling Dave has been hand making.

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I’ve heard good things about the proyo. @Nic_from_Adelaide what is the cap size on the proyo? :thinking:

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I loop them so always order two :smiley:

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I’m planning to try more, just need to find time.


@wayne927 Glow in the dark Kasm when?

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