After making the Duncan bumblebee a fixie last night I had an intrusive thought and it nagged at me until I had time to test it after my morning standup call.
I present the Duncan aluminum Fixie edition. The way I think it should have played from the start. It plays nearly the same as my plastic fixed Duncan imperial just a tad heavier.
Recipe for those that care. Take one Duncan imperial Al and swap the a bearing for a 3mm d bearing blank could also use a 4mm a bearing blank but might have to custom make that. I used a ZGRT d blank from my el mijo. Works like a charm.
I present to those that care (which is like 5 folks probably) the confusion fx.
I’m not reinventing the wheel here I’m just mashing parts together and seeing what works but hot dang a pull start fixed axle.
Plays better than I expected. I do feel like the response is a tad much. Maybe swapping the pads for something thinner would do this one good idk need to mess with it more when time allow. It just feels a tad grabby when doing a pull start or coming off a stall
Oh my gosh. I am such a doofus!!! I just did a close up on that top and noticed it was Chris Neff’s signature. His writing style and the way it’s turned made it look like maybe some Japanese writing on it.
I was thinking this was something I never saw before.
Throwing the usual suspects today, the Gnomad and a pair of Imperials.
I just noticed my Imperials have some not insignificant interior cracks. Doesn’t seem to affect play yet. I wish I knew someplace locally that reliably stocked them; I got these from Target over the holidays and they haven’t carried them since. Oh well, I know I can always get them at the everything store for a small premium.
I’ll play these fixies today. I might go get another imperial today also bc I wanna start two hand loops and I have no pairs yet.
Also @TryCatchThrow , could be worth popping into an old timey toy store around your area if you got one. The one in my area carries imperials and butterflies. If they don’t carry them, be like yo why not y’all?!
The black one is stock BC painted, the Natural is stained but not engraved, this is a SF era that Chuck Short picked out from an heirloom box. Talking to Chuck about it, he considers “Clean Machines” to be unfinished with a wood burned stamp that were made in the late 90s… This is still one of my best paying No Jives however. The painted BC has just a lot of years of play in the " Flying Camel" configuration.