YYF Special Release Weekend!


that inner ring ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I got the new 7075 blue genesis coming in the mail. I will have it tomorrow. I’mso excited. I got a crazy oopportunity to snatched one before it was released. I also have the new superstar team edition. Crazy awesome. I love it.

How does the SS play? Also, how did you get a 7075 Genesis?

We need more yoyos with Orange Slices.

The superstar is my new favorite. It is crazy awesome. And about the genesis, Isshouldn’tsay. we will just say that I missed out on the doomsday so someone made sure I got a new 7075 genesis

And for those who haven’t put 2 and 2 together. If you want a side view of the Shutter, on the main pic of this forum in the back right with the same green color of the pic.

I still haven’t heard any information on the pink yoyos that are stacked on top of eachother… or the Blue Blizzard-ish one next to the Superstars and Loop 1080s. I’m especially curious about that one. Am I mistaken or is that something completely new?

The pink stacked ones are paul kerbel edition superstars. The blue blizzard ones are 7075 genesis

The Paul Kerbel Superstar makes sense, although it would need to be a redesign just for him, right? Sort of like Luis’ Genesis? It does seem to have an extra step in the catch zone. And I think you’re confused as to which “blue blizzard” I was talking about. There is only ONE of them in picture that I can see, and it is right in between the stack of superstars and the loop 1080s, towards the back. I’m surprised no one else has speculated about it yet. :slight_smile:

I have $100 in YYE credit. I’m seriously considering that Pink Genesis. I would go for Orange, but it’s just too heavy.

Uggh, my head hurts. I think I might just get one of these… But then I wouldn’t get a Yeti in all likelihood.

I’m holding out as best as I can…

I sort of prefer the shape of the original Genesis. The only viable reason I would get this new one is if I wanted a 7075… But after much thought, I figure I could always grab an original Genesis for 15 bucks cheaper without even using the BST. I’m very interested in the Shutter just because I’m a fan of Gentry, but I’m not loving the look. I’m waiting for YYF to drop something brand new on us that none of us know anything about — It’s bound to happen. ;D

But no other yoyos have oranges engraved on them :cry:

The pink one is actually a grapefruit!

…On a side note. If I ever design a yoyo, I’ll throw an orange engraving on it, that way I know at least one sucker will buy it. :wink:

No they don’t need to change it for paul kerbel. Luis is the first to actually change the specs of a yoyo and not changethe entire name. The one yoyo that you are calling a blue blizzard looks like a rricochet but I can’t tell. And for you that says you don’t want the orange because it’s heavy? Have you ever played with a mutant dna? 75g. They play unbelievable. I love heavier yoyos, it makes them so stable. I will have my new blue 7075 genesis tomorrow and ordered an orange one too just because the weight difference. I bet it plays like a beast. In a previous
fb message it states that the diameter might be 1.5mm bigger too.

Can I get a pic of that HOT?

And you said you liked the original shape of the genesis? What they are still and will always be wsame shape. The weight is the only difference. If it was a different shape it would be a different yoyo

Uhmm … They are clearly shaped differently? And I did not say that they needed to change the Superstar, I just pointed out that the pink yoyo does indeed have a different shape than the New Superstar. So if it IS a PK Superstar, then he DID change the shape.

And I very much doubt that the “blizzard-ish” throw is a Ricochet, but it is hard to tell.