Yoyos with rubber-coated rims?

I’m wondering why there are no yoyos with rubber coated rims, except for the Yomega Xodus, which is the only yoyo I’m aware of that has it. Whether it be plastic or metal, that rubber coat would achieve two things. First, it would minimize your pain when the yoyo gets knotted and unexpectedly whips back at you from a throw and whacks you in some bone of your body. Second, it would protect the yoyo from damage if you whack it on the floor or into something. The inside of the rim and the body of the yoyo wouldn’t need to be coated, so grinds would still be possible and the string wouldn’t catch on the rubber. Think of barbell plates that are rubber-coated. The same idea should be applied to yoyo rims, especially metal yoyo rims. I wonder why no one has done it yet.

Check shinwoo-Zanavi. They did it more than 10 years ago😉

Rubber coated rims could make rejections difficult

I am not opposed to the idea of rubber coated rims. But for an individual to make a run of yoyos it would be easier and more reliable to make a monometals with out rubber

@tigerbeatt – That looks similar to the Yomega Xodus. I’m talking about more modern yoyos. Think of the Topyo Noema for example. Imagine that those steel rims alone would be coated in rubber, while the rest of the yoyo remains exactly as is.

@MarioMaker17 – I can’t imagine how it would make it difficult. I don’t think they’d get in the way of anything.

Rewind and SUS have done two rubber rim yoyos recently as throwbacks to the old Henry’s yoyos with rubber rims. Check out the Viper Remix and Newt.

Although I guess they’re not exactly coated, they have large rims entirely made of rubber. They’re cool though.


I was about to mention Henry yo-yos but Mable got it. The fixed axle Duncan first is rubber.

Honestly rubber doesn’t hurt less just absorbs more damage so you don’t harm the yoyo or an object. I promise getting hit in the face with a rubber rim yoyo hurts just as bad.

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Looks awesome, this is close to what I was talking about, though with this yoyo once the wings are damaged, you either have to replace them or the yoyo is unusable. In contrast high quality rubber coating could last for years.

Rubber would still hurt, but I’m quite sure it would hurt significantly less than metal or plastic. Most of the hits I take are in various parts of my hands.

imma just leave this here


That’s close to what I was talking about. Where do they have these for sale?

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Yoyo rim condoms look ugly to be honest.


True haha. That wasn’t what I had in mind though with the original post.

here is one such yoyo.another one is duncan first yo which has rim + cup coated rubber
and while not exactly rubber, plastic rims on metal yoyos were done by yoyofactory like miracle and kim 23. stated goal is playability and catch ease.
another one from underated YJYOYO is the rimsert. this one was made to handle collisions better

as you can see rubber yoyo often called beginner yoyo, the problem you try to solve should not be common in advanced play so there is no need for them when you want the focus on throw performance.
plastic rims allow this performance but overall its easier and better to focus on yoyo without them or rubber :man_shrugging: just my 2¢

I don’t remember if the xodus 2 allows you to remove the rubber rims, but the xodus 1 rims could be put on any standard sized yoyo.

The Rimsert is the kind of idea I’m talking about, except if those rims were rubber rather than polycarbonate, so that if you whack your knuckles it won’t hurt as much. As for the Xodus, as noted above, I’m aware of that one. I actually have it as well. It’s a nice and fun yoyo, but due to its large size, heavy weight, and the fact that it’s responsive, I don’t really use it for practicing most string tricks.

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Almost 19 years ago


you would have to search the depths of aliexpress/alibaba. its in there somewhere.

Can’t believe it took 15 posts for the throw monkey to get mentioned. The hyabusa as well. Love my hyabusas

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I dont think redusing the pain would work because I used my freind Xodus and smacked my face pretty hard.
It hurt.

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Would you rather get whacked with a metal hammer or a hard rubber hammer? The rubber hammer will hurt, but the metal one will hurt a lot more.