I just recently got into yoyoing (in October of 2023) at the ripe age of 37. I’m married and work a full time job, so I have limited free time to practice, but it’s a hobby I’m starting to enjoy (despite some of the frustrations like knots and string tension). Tricks I’ve learned thus far (as of November 2023) are the bind, split bottom mount, front bottom mount, brain twister, mach 5, barrel rolls, rock the cradle (this one I’ve known years ago before I ever knew that there’s such a thing as unresponsive yoyos), and my latest trick – the zipper! (took my a week to get this down, still a bit sloppy, but fairly consistent)
Aside from yoyoing, other hobbies of mine include puzzles (especially twisty puzzles like the Rubik’s cube, which I’ve been doing since 2014) and music (not much time for it now, but I’ve been playing various instruments since I was about 10 years old).