YoYoFactory - Made in USA

I definitely think it’s funny that people get so ruffled about this.

aren’t there more important things to be upset about? (i.e. sex trafficking, child labor, genocide, etc.)

For what it’s worth, while I’m 100% loyal to CLYW, I can only say that I respect YYF’s contributions to the industry and community. We’re all lucky that they’ve been around.

Ben and Hans could’ve opted for any other number of professions, and they’re savvy enough businessmen that they probably would’ve made more money with less hassle… and we’d all be poorer in our experiences for it.

if you don’t like something, that’s fine… you don’t have to enjoy everything a company offers to appreciate it for what it is.

if you don’t like it… get over it. they’re not hurting you with their business model. Take a step back, and realize a lot of this is inconsequential. We could all do with more grattitude and less bickering.


i mean those marked as 6061, of course
I keep hearing a myth that made in China YYFs are made from untempered 6061. Pretty sure thats BS some yyf h8rz made up based on the apparent observation that some Chinese knockoff karp are.


The post was inspired by some rather negative comments in another thread, which i chose not to derail. I didn’t like what was being said and felt I needed to stand up rather than let these views go unopposed. As some people have stated they would prefer a more subtle persuasion of opinion and i know confrontation really does make many people feel uncomfortable and I apologize for that.

The fact a few individuals chose to resume long running grudges in this topic further contributed to the less than positive vibe coming from the topic.

i hope I can make amends and eventually enhance the YoYofactory brand in your opinion through continued positive contributions to this forum.


Ben just being you being here has been a contribution to the forum and has raised yyf in my opinion.

Very few people take time and flak to defend what they believe in these days and its refreshing to see it happen.


Yoyofactory is helping the community out in a lot of ways besides selling product. Tours and going to schools and teaching kids how to yoyo. Lots of respect for the people at yyf.


i second this statement

I myself am humbled that you’d take the time to post on this forum. Also I’d like to point out that without the yyf shutter I wouldn’t have gotten into unresponsive play and wouldn’t have come as far as I have. I’d also like to mention that without yye and indeed Andre I wouldn’t have a convenient place to learn tricks and wouldn’t have restarted yoyoing in the first place. So thanks Ben and Andre keep up the good work and others of the forum, keep throwin


One small point I’d like to make.

A few people in this thread have stated or alluded to the idea that making goods in China is always cheaper, and specifically VERY much cheaper.

For the record, this is only true in some specific situations under specific conditions. “Made in China” doesn’t always mean cheaper, and these days there are quite a few industries where the cost is pretty much the same after you factor in shipping and duties. Right now, one of the biggest advantages to manufacturing in China is that you actually CAN get better quality goods because there is a much higher focus on manufacturing there than in the US. I won’t get in to the whole ugly history of why this is, and I won’t deny that I’m not really thrilled about the fact that the US has very much lost the majority of its consumer good manufacturing capabilities, but the fact remains that I’ve moved production from the US to China for several non-yoyo projects specifically because I could guarantee quality, even though the cost was the nearly the same, plus the additional opportunity cost of communication and shipping taking longer.

The idea that “Made in China” equals cheap and low quality is a fallacy. While you can certainly get cheap, shoddy goods from China (along with every other country in the world), there is a ton of really high-quality manufacturing happening there.

Pride in your country is lovely and admirable, but it’s no reason to be ignorant of the value of others.


Steve Brown is a communist
;D lol

^ I just want to highlight this part.

I’ve given this thread some thought, and even if there was no YoyoFactory, Ben would still be playing yo-yo. He is a yo-yo player, just like you and I. And, he happens to be one of the best in the country at it. He took one of the top spots in the National Contest. That seems to be someone we might want to stick around here and share knowledge. There are a lot of people aspiring to play yo-yo like that one day. I don’t want people to forget that he is a player first. So, as far as I’m concerned, he has the right to post what he wants here, and when he posts, we ought to pay close attention to it. We may not always agree with people, but when someone like him wants to post on the board, they should always feel welcome to do so. Some of the players who are taking top spots in major contests don’t want to be bothered with us here on the forum.

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Amazingly; most of the yoyo players taking top contest spots in all contests; Worldwide; are not even members of this Forum.

What does that mean? I have no idea, lol

I guess they just have better things to do than throw rocks at each other for zero Gain.


For you guys that have been around the block a few more times, let me ask… was that different on the YoYoNation board? I came into this in 2011 just before the unfortunate theft (or thefts) that undermined their store and eventually closed the shop for good. Were players more active on there back then? Or are all the message boards just as yoyodoc described - an uninteresting and ineffective use of their time.

I agree that even the better players who do post here, all arguably have “better things to do,” but some care enough about the gain of some kids on the forum who are actually trying to learn and get yo-yo related information. So, they post anyway, even if it’s just once in a while. Props to those players, the OP included, Adam Brewster and several others I see posting. They should all feel welcome to post, and leave with a feeling that they may have helped someone out.

honestly totalartist nobody is surprised that youre backing anything that has to do with yoyofactory. the point is that this ben guy decided to post some passive aggressive thread aimed at everyone and noone at the same time. there is not a single professional that posts here that acts like he does. steve brown, adam brewster, da5id, the machinist, paul dang, andre, and yye garrett and others are ALWAYS 100% professional. if someone has an issue with their products they address it in a helpful way. they dont let their ego get in the way. this thread has done nothing but damage yyf’s reputation, and regardless of where a yoyo is made, ben’s attitude is certainly ‘made in china.’

And, you certainly shouldn’t be surprised. They make a great yo-yo don’t they? ;D

His original post was more than professional. He has not broken any forum rules in that post, he has not made any rude statements toward anyone, and he was “helpful,” to correct misinformation and offer assistance to those who want to buy yo-yos that are made in the U.S.A.

All I see here, is that he is correcting misinformation, giving opinion on that misinformation, and being informative about YoyoFactory and how to make related purchases. That sounds like he’s doing his job, and it doesn’t get any more professional than that.

His communication was no less professional, than the correspondence of anyone else you named above. I’ll ask that you re-read his original post, and you’ll find it informative.

all i can do is roll my eyes at this point… for the people that arent ‘fanbois’ its very clear. i hope you get free yoyos at least.

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I spend a lot more on yo-yos than I could ever get for free, and that should be a gauge of sincerity. I’d rather be a “fanboi” than a hater, it just sounds so much more positive. So, I’m cool with that.

are you just trying to act like a troll or are you seriously unable to believe that someone can actually say things that are sincere when it comes to something as simple as a yoyo?

I think the people who get my money are all great, professional people, kind, and passionate about taking yo-yo in the right direction.

The thing about me and money, is that I don’t mind paying for things and spending as freely as possible, as long as the money is going to a company that is doing great things. YoyoFactory and YoyoExpert are doing the right thing for yo-yo, so I give them my full support. I am very open about my support, and because I’m pretty choosy about things, I am extremely proud of those choices.

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I started messing around with yoyos in 1998. Ben and Hans were two of the first guys I met. They had already been demonstrating the Art of Yoing in at least 19 different Countries. Easily two of the nicest, talented, ready to help; players in the World; at that time. They were determined to bring Awareness to the masses about the potential fun to be had with the amazing Spinning Toy.

After Playmaxx faded out; Hans and Ben just went on with Lifes’ adventures. They were away from Yoing, but Never ‘Done’ with Yoing. It was already burned into their hearts and their heads.

One Day, Hans decided to let himself in on his own little secret. He contacted Ben and they both agreed that ‘Breaktime was over’. Time to get back and deal with unfinished Business.

A hug, a hello, a handshake, put on some work boots, open a few cans of Whoop-a… + determination and talent = Yoyofactory.

What Yoyofactory has done in several years is nothing short of Amazing. Their outstanding product selections at virtually All price points. Their outstanding customer service. Their Team of high caliber players; that just seem to appear at numerous places all over the Planet. The Support they give to so many Contests. Their Teaching Clinics are second to none. Their Quality control is Top Shelf.

I could go on for 20 minutes; I would probably fall asleep before you do…

I will mention one more Amazing skill/talent they both have. They have an astounding ability to ‘absorb Hate’. They work their butts off keeping 90 percent of the Customers happy; while they face the Reality that 10 percent of the Community will Hate them no matter what they do.

Nolan; your Hate/Troll mentality is a Perfect textbook example of non constructive griping.

You are as unprofessional as can be; yet; you elevate yourself to this position of Forum Sage. You somehow came to the conclusion that ‘you’ will decide whether people are acting Professional or not.

So you are the Solomon that powers up to put Ben in his place? You want to Board spank Ben for being Human? When you Spew more trash than a Talking Dumpster.

Since you elected yourself to judge Ben; I have elected myself to judge you. And the verdict is in.

You are an ignorant idiot. And if… You were triplets; there would have been a 3 way tie for first place: you, you and you.

When you posted up,that you and your wife constantly talk about the Dumb things I say; that is fine by me.

I am amused that you and your wife would bother to spend a second; talking about anything ‘me’.

But Totalartist and Ben are both friends of mine. And I don’t dig Clowns like you bagging on my friends. Especially clowns like you that serve no purpose other than to be a perfect example to others in ‘how not to act’.

And I’m no fanboy of anybody.