Made in USA

Would any of you pay the extra cost to buy a made in USA yoyo or accessories?


I pay extra to import yo-yos from Japan and Australia I would gladly pay more for that money to stay home vs being sunk in logistics and bureaucracy.

I’ll still probably buy stuff from other countries too though… really it’s just make a good product and I’ll gladly buy it.


Same here. I will gladly pay %10-15 more if the yoyo and it’s packaging was made in USA. They say quality/labor regulation is stricter. Leading to a much better quality product. I also read that it’s a smaller carbon footprint.


Approx. 85% of my 120+ collection is US made. So my answer is yes.


I think only one drop makes yoyos in the USA if I’m not mistaken and I like my panorama. Turning point makes amazing yoyos and has really good QC and the increased price that goes with that. I would pay extra to know that I’m getting a dead smooth yoyo that is exactly what I want but I don’t care where they’re made. Yoyofriends/fpm makes really good yoyos also


If I like a yoyo ill buy it; at the cheapest available price. And if its too expensive I wont, I dont care where it was manifactured


It’s quite clear that products made in China are cheaper and more widely available. However, I can easily distinguish between yo-yos made in the United States and those made in China just by touching and feeling them while they’re on the string. American-made yo-yos are consistently of high quality, even though they often have some minor imperfections. Some companies used to produce their yo-yos exclusively in the United States but later started manufacturing them in China. For some reason, I can always tell if a yo-yo is American-made or Chinese-made, sometimes just by unscrewing it. Another thing to consider is that my One Drop yo-yos can withstand dings and still feel like new, whereas my inexpensive Chinese yo-yos start to vibrate or wobble from the very first ding. I mean like really shake a lot.

But let’s face it, are you 100% certain your US machined yoyo wasn’t machined out of Chinese alloy?






I’m a fan of One Drop so that’s an automatic yes. We don’t make anything here anymore as it is, so it’s nice to at least have a yo-yo or two made in the States and I wish more companies did, it’s just obviously more expensive


If I blindfolded you and gave you a handful of quality yo-yos youd never seen or heard of to touch and feel and even throw, I’d bet money you couldn’t tell me which ones were made in the U.S. compared to another country.


If a company had serial number runs in the US and unlimited Chinese runs not numbered. Think of first edition vs 2nd/unlimited. Which one you buying. Would you buy serial number 10,000?


If you were to blindfold me and place an original Banshee in one hand and a 2018 Banshee in the other, I would definitely be able to tell which one was made in China. In fact, I wouldn’t buy anything blindly like that.

Do you know if a One Drop yo-yo has ever had its axle damaged or ruined? Every single yoyo I have ever stripped is chinese made. But let’s be honest, yo-yos from China offer the best value for the price.

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That’s already how yoyofactory does a lot of their runs

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That’s a yo-yo you’re familiar with though it sounds like. Two yo-yos you’ve never heard of or thrown, one in each hand blindfolded, I’m still putting money on you not being able to tell a difference or which one was made here. And I’m not trying to be a jerk either like I said I’m team USA as well, I wish we made more stuff here haha. But I think you might be downplaying a lot of good yo-yos and companies with that mindset!


I bet the post thread makes it to about 100 post before it is shut down. Prove me wrong please.


Ah yes, this thread again where people need to make up reasons for wanting American made yoyos beyond the reasonable explanation of “I like supporting domestic production.” Let’s try and not go on a weird tangent here saying why yoyos produced elsewhere aren’t as good.

Do you want me to say One Drop yoyos are poorly made because of this example Top Deck? That’d be silly


I might take the over on that one only because it’s Sunday and mods might be busy with their real lives lol


Why would it be closed?

We beating this dead horse again?

I feel like david from onedrop murdered this one years ago:

I will say that there are Chinese manufacturers that have worked at length to reduce the problems that david outlines. FPM, Yoyoempire, and TopYo are all quite good now, and with solid QC on the brands end (the main reason people complain about Chinese products, poor QC), I’m very happy with the state of yoyos from China.