Yoyo Boomers Club


In my interpretation, “yoyo boomer” doesn’t have so much to do with age. Its more about a certain overall mindset. A yo-yo boomer can be 80 or they can be 19 as long as they like throwing casually for fun, high walls, responsive/fixie as well as unresponsive, friendly community, collecting, etc. and it’s not a requirement to have any of those interests necessarily.

I am a millennial but as far as tech goes (and yoyo), I’m a boomer. I could probably be considered a boomer in a lot of ways, just not generationally.


I vote that any responsive yo-yo created needs to have a “Get off my lawn” colorway.


Possible “Get off my lawn” colorway scheme 4Q with 4F splash - AKA - “Walt”.

Edit BTW: Many posts ago I suggested Plymouth Roadrunner Plum Crazy Purple with rust splashes.

Reason I suggested it was it reminded me of our neighborhood get off my lawn guy. I was the only kid allowed to step on his lawn when he asked me once to mow his grass when he went on vacation.

Despite the lapse in stepping on his lawn no one was allowed to touch his extremely hot daughter! Full disclosure I once did get a 30 second kiss on a Truth or Dare.

Oh yah, I digress. He had a 1972 Plymouth Roadrunner Plum Crazy Purple with a WB Roadrunner stencil. Beep Beep!


Well when you put it that way I guess I’m in the club :rofl:


The 4mm YWET is something I’ve tried to get recreated for awhile. It plays great responsive and unresponsive.

If this was considered, I’d suggest a 4mm gap, 64g, remove the quadfist response and replace with a single, wider response.

Thinner gap for unresponsive & responsive. Nothing over 4mm for an unresponsive. As a “yoyo boomer” I dislike these 4.5+mm gaps :rofl:

There is also a great 0A thread if anyone here missed it.


I looked at those Bumblebees and I’m mildly tempted. But I noticed YYF put their Turbo Grind Machines on SALE!! They’re no longer $60. Now they’re going for the incredibly low price of :drum::drum:$59.99


Ha. The worst is when they put something at 49.99 just so your a penny off of getting free shipping and have to pad your order with something. Drives me mad. I nearly grabbed the mystery box but the fact it doesn’t trigger free shipping in its own made me back off. Also do I need more unresponsive yyf yo-yos… probably not…


I guess I resemble this remark?


The only reason I haven’t is the money I set aside for a crop circle and whatever the new yyf loopers are that have those Russel caps I’ve been seeing teased about. Maxed my budget out unless I’m give up on one of those.

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It is so tempting. So tempting.

Just to Antagonize…

These are dead stock. When will you find this again? These are Late 90’s?

New Yoyos, are well… new… At least in production.

I didnt start playing yoyo till 2009. So 10 years behind these Bees. Initial thought; The “Nostalgic Vibe” was definitely a thing. Loving it.

Have Fun.


Yeah. That’s not helping lol


I’m in on the club.


A true boomer would’ve already bought them in the 90’s :rofl:


Aaron you were already assumed a member here :joy::joy::joy:

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Your assuming they survived the break from yoyo… I don’t really have anything from back then. Honestly most of my worldly possessions from before the mid 2000s are gone at this point.


This is cool. I’d love to join


Once the Yo-yo gets designed there will be a preorder. Trust me there are going to be plenty if you guys will support the project.

Happy Saturday folks. Have a great day :heart:


I feel like we are well beyond 15 at this point.


Mr. Jake is working on some designs.

As the committee makes progress, I will post updates.

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