your worst yoyo accident?

Went to the Iowa State Fair, rode this ride:

Unfortunately I did not realize this goes all the way around and I had my yoyofreaks Savage in my pocket… well, during “hang time” upside down it falls all the way out of my pocket… and alll the way down down down to the metal base of the ride. :scream:

Surprisingly very little physical damage, one small chunk out of the rim, and a second subtle rim dent … so that’s lucky, it looks mostly fine … but this went from 9/10 vibe-free to like 2/10 vibey, not exactly a pulse vibe but you can feel it vibe on every throw, definite B-grade material now :neutral_face:


Oh jeeze…that really sucks :(.

And that video had my heart in my throat! I’m such a freaking chicken when it comes to rides and roller coasters. I don’t get the enjoyment of feeling like you’re going to die >.<’.

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Well at least I recovered it (the ride operator handed it to me with a “stop being an idiot” look on his face, which I probably deserved) and cosmetically it barely got damaged at all!

I inspected the bearing seat and I don’t see any visible damage there but whoo boy is this thing vibey now. Still playable, but smooth, it ain’t. I guess that’s what I get for a 50 foot drop to metal?


Well, this is not a yoyo accident, but a Spintop one. I threw a boomerang (probably the string had some kind of knot or so haha) really hard, and got hit on my eye. Luckily no marks on my face xD, but it really hurt.


This was over 18 months ago now, but it flipping hurt at the time and was quite a shock. I have a little scar there now and I look really tough.


I had an idea based on my previous research. I am not a prude about vibe or anything but this was so vibey it was kind of borderline annoying on the string. And the Savage has a special place in my :cupid: because this is the yo-yo I convinced @yoyofreaks to make wayyyy back in early 2018…

Based on seeing so little damage (for such a gnarly drop, too), I was thinking… mayyyybe the axle is bent?

I took it apart again, threw away the old axle, put in a new steel axle (and a new bearing just in case) and…

It’s WAY better now! It by no means laser smooth or anything but I’d say it went from 2/10 vibe to like… 6/10 vibe? Big BIG improvement. Obvious with the fingernail test, but no longer anything you can feel on the string in play at all. Hooray!


I read these in reverse order, and thought coding was trying to play on some ride. Seeing how a yoyo performs in zero g or something. For science.


Just punched the hell out of the corner of my bookcase trying to do a laceration bind. Gonna feel it in the morning.




i thought i busted my forehead open with my Anthelion but i didn’t and just yesterday i did a laceration bind with a counterweight on it and i let go on purpose and the counterweight comes apart and so it shoots like a bullet at my little brother and we both just died laughing


Assault With A Deadly weapon Counterweight!


yes! precisely!

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Last week I was working on a trick that is snag-prone, and I got pissed off and just chucked my Vayder at the ground. Well he came back and bit me hard, right above my upper lip and underneath my nose. It was a small gash, but deep and it bled quite a bit. Fortunately I have a goatee and a mustache, so I was able to hide the embarrassing injury, but the wound is still healing. Lesson learned: dont mess with the dark side.