What’s the worst thing you’ve done with/to your yoyo?
Here’s mine:
I was standing outside a store front, waiting for my family, and I decided to do some tricks while I was waiting. Totally forgetting that I had just wrapped the string around the bearing, not on it (It was a new string, I don’t do that often) I went into a breakaway and the yoyo flew into the street and started rolling towards a drain. Had to run out to grab it, totally putting its safety above my own. Lucky I got it before it got anywhere horrible, it wasn’t hurt too bad, and I didn’t get run over.
Well me? Personally it’s the time when I stripped my first ever metal yoyo because it hit the floor. Do keep in mind I had dinged it for over 30 times. Yep definitely ain’t getting a trade for that
About a month into learning how to use a proper Yoyo I got a little too confident and bonked my wife on top of the head… it want too hard of a hit, but definitely deserved the two punches to the chest shortly there after lol. Lesson learned, give yourself plenty of room to throw.
Yep, got my imperial in first grade, first store bought yo. Prior to that my grandmother made all my yoyos. I started carrying a yoyo when I was 4 or 5. Thanks Grandma!
We all had yoyos in first grade, and ultimately so did the teacher after similar moves as skitrz described. Mostly wooden Duncans. Some teacher is probably sitting on a gold mine of vintage Duncan yoyos.
Because mine dont really leave the house I haven’t ever done anything bad like others have said. Worst thing is smacking myself in the face a couple of times which I can’t really say is a fun experience
I was younger. Wasn’t really paying attention. Throwing my Aurora ( a titanium). Hit my 12 lb miniature douschound . She seemed okay but I felt horrible. She kinda just stood there for a sec and whimpered and then waddled away. Rest her soul.
Mine is playing with my Duncan Cold Fusion out on concrete. String snapped and it went rolling. Next would be loosing that thing somehow while moving one time.