your worst yoyo accident?

Welp, I just had another one. I’ve got the day of tomorrow so I’m up late goofing around. You ever feel like you’re neglecting them? I do. I grabbed my wind runner and was tossing it around. Bound it poorly and got a nice snag in it. Thought I could throw it a couple times to clear it. Nope. I put a little too much mustard on a breakaway (because I do dumb stuff like try to clear a yoyo with a breakaway throw) and it whipped around and caught me in the knuckle of my left middle finger. What’s funny is I didn’t realize I was bleeding until I picked up my ONEstar and was throwing it. As I was binding it up, it dragged through the blood on my knuckle and discolored the string, lol. I didn’t think I’d hit myself that hard but here it is. My little boo boo.


You are truly living up to your namesake :wink: jj

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I got hit in the middle of my forehead on a bad bind with my Noctu… If you know what that yoyo is, you know already that I went in to the hospital to get stitches afterwards and still have a bump and scar to this day…

Dude, your imagination is impeccable! If anyone doesn’t believe me, check out this guys bumps on his tundra listing!

Whoa. Just saw pics of that throw, man I would not want to be on the receiving end of THAT one. Wowza!

^^ They should have never stopped making Batman’s yoyo. They are extremely fast spinning/stable and
very fun to play.

Yeah, it just sucks that they use a custom bearing and response… Getting a concave bearing for mine was absolute hell

Then you’ve been shopping at the wrong place because you can buy them here all day long.
But I do agree I prefer standard C size regardless.

ILYY yoyos (Noctu is one) use a “metric C” size bearing. Close to the standard C but if I remember correctly a tiny bit smaller. (Or tiny bit larger if I’m not remembering correctly. :))

I don’t think the store has them.

They are metric (a little smaller than C) They are 6×13x5mm

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The same as in the old Oxy stuff?

I believe so, yes.

I wish the US went metric.

Of course you do, being part of the collective. The effort was made for the US to conform but…you see how things are, we just won’t be assimilated. :smiley:

Haha, I’m just wishing it because I use a lot of tools.

I’m constantly having to match American imperial with Australian metric tools when I’m woodworking and it can get tricky. It’s such a pain to have to talk in fractions of an inch instead of mm. Much harder to visualise fractions of an inch.

Lol. This thread has gone from redundant, to off topic, to unrelated! Or maybe the switching between metric and imperial has caused a yoyo related woodworking accident? ;D

I remember as a kid when we were trying to switch, and then we weren’t, but I didn’t really notice when we stopped, and then later I was like, “Wait, what happened to switching to metric?”

Ok I have one. I use a small cup for cleaning bearings that I put some mineral spirits in.
It even has a label marked “toxic”

Yesterday and a bit overtired, I poured myself some milk into the empty cup, and immediately noticed the chemical taste. Benzene? who knows. Fortunately it was milk, which is recommended for mineral spirit ingestion.

So this was my official worst yo-yo accident. Unfortunately I sort of chugged the milk, so it was more than a taste. I don’t believe the trace amounts did any damage.

Moral of story, keep hazardous material containers out of the kitchen?

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Great advice for all, not just throwers!
I had a yoyo snag which smacked me in the face, thought I broke my nose after launching my glasses off. I was fine, but I gave up throwing for almost a year shortly after it. I’ve learned to safety throw often!

Mine’s not too exciting.

My local yoyo workshop recommended a heavier yoyo than I usually use for learning Shoot the Moon. I took that heavy yoyo to the mouth, got a fat lip and a sore tooth that thankfully seems better now…because I can’t afford another root canal. Later that same night I was replacing the string and somehow got it tangled in the ceiling fan while doing a snap-wind. I couldn’t get to the off switch because I was attached to the mess by way of the finger loop, which was tightening like a noose as the fan turned.

Husband: What, what? …oh, you have got to be kidding me…

I think that yoyo is cursed.

Also one time I was throwing in the parking lot of a biker bar, killing time until it was time to go onstage with my band. The (brand new) string broke on the first throw and the yoyo hit a parked custom Harley! Thankfully the Harley was all right, as I favor lightweight plastic yoyos. :wink:


Yeah, that could have ended up as the worst “accident” on here by far!

Funny stories! ;D