- When you stay away from “hard floors” just in case anything happens.
- Knots will be the reason you commit suicide.
- Making your father read the study material for your test out loud while you are yoyoing.
When you read this forum and realize EVERTHING applies too you.
- When you read this whole thread in 2 hours straight .
- When you post two posts on the same thread on a yo-yo forum 2 hours from each other.
- When you use the Boomerang trick to hit someone on the back of the head after he tried to hit you.
232: when you are going to sleep, you think whitch yoyo to buy next : - P
233.when you decide to make a shrine to your oxy TI
- when you are able to wash the dog while yoyoing with one hand
- when you doodle yoyos all over your notebook
- when you realize whenever you yoyo in public your friends put a hat in front of you and people drop money in and your friends take it.
- when you think $100 isn’t much to spend on a yoyo
- When you give your girlfriend a yoyo and hopes she starts throwing. (anyone with me here? XD)
- When you hear some one say “Suicide” youthink of the trick
They did that to me, but we split the money and that’s how I got a protostar.
- You buy a yoyo more than once a week
- When you make a custom shirt based on the logo/character of your favourite yoyo. (been there done that) ;D
Dude, when you even own an oxy TI.
Dude, when you even own any Oxy yoyo’s
- When you are a tattoo artist, draw up yoyo tattoos, and beg you friends to let you put them on them
Any takers ???
Yea… Nah.
What number is it now? O_O
plays on
245. When you take a pic of your girlfriend holding your yoyo
Any takers? ;D
When you and your wife get in a fight over wether it’s ok to yoyo in the house!
when you don’t eat anything at a restaurant because your saving every scrap of money you can for your next yoyo
when smack someone with a yoyo on purpose because they were in your yoyoing zone
- When you help your friend to start yoyoing by sourcing cheap yoyos for him
- When you give your yoyos away with the hope of them start yoyoing
- When you kiss your yoyo after successfully landing a trick(come on someone :P)