- When you child’s first name is actually the name of a yoyo.
When you Think Yuuki Spencer is the best at 1A
when you transfered from YYJ to YYF, CLYW, General yo, etc.
when you have a huge collection of 5 or more yoyos
when you have completed the masters section.
- When you break your mom’s expensive vase and look to see if your yoyo is scratched.
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- When you hit your little sister with a mettle yoyo while doing a free style and go, “Wow that was a good free style!”
- When you lend a yoyo to someone to try, then cringe when they put it on without a slip knot on their index finger.
- when you freak out when an inexpirenced yoyoer tries your black beadblasted radian and they walk the dog on a white floor so there are now white scuffs all along the rim… wait- i guess you dont need to be obsessed with yoyoing for that one
OH I Know!! >:(
190. When you go into a store and laugh at the cheap plastic yoyos
- When you forgot to bring a yoyo but you’re on vacation, you order one to the place you’re staying
- When you freak out when you scratch your yoyo. You don’t actually see that the scratch doesn’t make a mark ata all. You freaking out! Then your like. WTH? ZOMG! I AM SO RELIEVED.
- You yoyo better blindfolded and in the dark then when you can see.
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- Your yoyo finger is broken. But you STILL attach a string to it and throw.
- When these sound like a good idea
- when you make sure there is nothing hard in your pocket before you put your yoyo in it
- when your parents call your break time “yo-yo practice”
- when you decide to take this page and copy it so you can have it latter
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- When you get tattos of your favorite yoyos
accually this thread got a little behind the next one should be 221
- when you bring yoyos to work, and break time is yoyo time.
- When you fill 11 pages about yo-yo related obsessions.
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- When you bug your parents about yo-yoing so much, that they call you “Yo-Yo Head”.