You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

When your desktop picture is a yoyo or has to do with yoyos

mine is this one

Mine is the downloadable YoYoFactory desktop background from YoYoFactory’s website. 8)

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When you make a thread like this :3

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166: when you carve your GFs name in a wooden yoyo

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  1. When people don’t even don’t even know your real name, your just that yoyoing guy

  2. when you start yelling at your computer when you watch amazing yoyo players

  3. when you think you saw a famous yoyoer and it bugs you for the next week

that one was awesome!!

170.when you start crying because can’t decide what yoyo to get :smiley:

171: When you decide to try and learn yoyo tricks instead of dinner, because you won’t have time afterwards.

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  1. when smexy doesn’t mean smart and sexy, it means smooth and sexy

Hehe, that one’s definitely me. One time, I had to meet with a teacher to take a quiz. She was teaching a class at the time, and when I finished and handed my quiz to her, everyone was saying, “C’mon do show us your tricks!” Apparently, even the older students learned about “the yo-yo guy” :stuck_out_tongue:

173. When you frequently put your hand in your pocket just to touch your yo-yo.
174. Your bedroom trashcan is filled to the brim with old yo-yo strings.
175. You buy black cloth only to use it as a background for your new yo-yo video.

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  1. you spin your yoyo’s hubstacks in your pocket during class
  2. you can tell what tricks the pros are doing in their videos
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lol I do that all the time.

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174.when you like your yoyos more than your girl friend. (not that i do ;D)

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No, not me at all.

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Thinking about combos during class.

you have multiple pictures of the hspin girls on your phone 8) 8) 8)

every day man

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Hahahaha. Man all these are so true for me.

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178: when you yell “YUUKII!!!” at the top of your lungs durning your 5A freestyle

179:When you freak out because steve brown did this ----->>> :wink:

180:when you go to the forums on your phone during class out of boredom.

…why did he do that???..

  1. when you think Hiroyuki Suzuki is just “okay”

180.when you wish you where referred to as a “BEAST” on the forum.