You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

No… but maybe if it’s candy blasted… yum yum.

  1. When your pants have a mark where you keep your yoyo
  1. when you want to mary your yoyo…

keep posting, fast!!!

  1. when you cant get a yo-yo before you read all the reviews on it
  1. when you prefer to Yoyo, than to meet with your Girlfriend (I’m not like this ; - P )
  1. when is your homepage :stuck_out_tongue:
  1. When you start doing 4A while in the toilet (definitely not me, I cant 4A)
  2. When someone talks to you about Superman you talk/think about the trick.

Oh, i got one that no ones said yet. Ready for this
When you yoyo a lot. ;D

  1. when you have a shelf/chest/dresser you put in your room so you can have all your yoyos and cases and thing on that shelf/chest/dresser.

  2. your yoyoing while your at the store.

  1. When you have videos of pros yoyoing in your phone. ;D
  2. When you check your profile everyday (come on add me up ;D)
  3. When you listen to a song and think what you kind of combo you can do.
  4. When you “air-yoyo” ;D
  1. when your wearing a yoyo clove while on the forums.

i was doing that and didn’t even notice.

You leave work early just to go throw.

  1. When you sleep with your yoyo beside you

when you sleep, you always think of how to make up a trick and the next morning, you made it.

  1. when you have more than 3 full metals

great. Then I’m sooo infected with yoyoing. I’ve got more than 100 metals.

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?!!!. I comeing to your house!

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Amen its mine ;D

When you get married with a yo-yo in your jacket pocket.

  1. When you yoyo more than you sleep