You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

When you offer your friends a reward to find your lost yoyo

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when you play for so lon your finger bleeds. then you keep playing with the bloody string

If you decide to not pay your mortgage because you had to buy the mystery box and the newest yoyo

When your fingers don’t bleed no matter how long you throw.

When you buy everyone in your family a yoyo for christmas including your uncle who is a war veteran that lost both his hands in a battle and a baby who cant even stand on 2 feet yet.

When you dive in an attempt to catch your yoyo that snapped the string.

when you stop playing your favorite video game and watching favorite tv series to yo-yo

When you sleep with a yoyo ;D

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When you buy 4 of the same yoyos just to mix and match the colors like this.

When you have your iPod in your hand and accidently throw it on the ground thinking its a yoyo.

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When instead of no video games for a week your parents threaten you with no yoyo for a week

They wouldn’t dare…


you have hair on every finger except your middle.

Legit just lol’d… thats awesome.

i hope to god i never do that.


You’ve ever yoyo’d wearing only a yoyo glove.


Wen u get propsed 2by ur bf wit a yoyo! Cuz u know its shiny n u can wear it on ur finger! Lamo! Hahaha man goot tymes! ^_^*

That is one of the best so far lol.

Happens to me all the time, bro.

You know you are obsessed when you tthrow in the hallways during classes
you get detention for throwing during class
you get In School Suspention for throwing in detention
you get OSS for not going to ISS because you are throwing.
and you use your OSS to learn new tricks.
and repeat in a couple weeks,

This one is totally me! ^