You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

when you hit your bro in with your yoyo and you like “you could of hurt my yoyo!”

when you go to prom, and when they search your jacket for drug/alcohol/whatnot, one teacher pipes in “check him for yoyos also”. You then proceed to pull 2 out of your pants pockets

When you keep them in a case next to the front door, in case the house catches on fire in the middle of the night, and you have to run outside naked, you’ll at least know your yoyo’s made it out safe.

when you stop in the middle of base ball practice to save your yoyo…

your favorite period is gym becuse u can yo with out gettin in trouble

You just got a new game you’ve been waiting months for in the mail from Gamefly, and you’d rather work on yo-yo tricks.

Or annoying friends who are getting too close!

  1. when you lose count trying to make things about yoyo obsssions.

when you celebrate “National YoYo Day”!!! ;D

when this is your ring tone

  1. When your friend is getting mugged and you have your metal yoyo and you don’t use it to defend him because you don’t wan’t you yoyo to get dented.
  1. When you develop a 6th sence of keeping your yoyos safe from harm

thats awesome! can u text ringtones? if u can ill give u my number cause i want that song!

actually i don’t have it as my ringtone, i don’t have a cell phone. I don’t know if theres actually a way to set it too your ring tone.

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when your bursting for the toilet but you would rather mess your underwear rather than stop the worst trick you know!

you know you obsessed when you download a yoyo app for you Itouch/Iphone

You know your obsessed with yoyoing if you say this when buying a yoyo. “I have too many yoyos of that color, so I will get that color instead.” :wink:

every charge on your debit card has “yoyo” in it

When all you talk about is yoyoing, and I mean all. My friends don’t want to hang out with me anymore because all I talk about is yoyoing.

i totally do that, or ill feel like a certain yoyos shape or name is more suited for one color-way over another.