You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

During boring lectures, I like to create tricks in my head… I don’t know why, but it works really well. Stay in school, kids. It will help you create cool tricks.

:smiley: I gotta try that one

When you make this acronym.

Yolo= Yoyo or lose out

That’s just weird


About half the tricks I create that way work, but the other half just ends up in a huge knot.

Half of them turn out great
The other half make you feel like you missed a step. :smiley: :smiley:

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When you stay up an extra 30 minutes just trying to do a certain trick, completely forgetting for a while you have “responsibility” or “aspirations” or whatever.

They’re just things made up by the man. I’m not a part of the system.

When you keep bumping this thread.

when a mysterious yoyoer bumped this thread and then you commented

When you comment on this thread just to follow up.

When you don’t know why you browse yoyoexpert more than actually play yoyos.

:smiley: … well, actually… uh… hmm… that’s actually quite accurate. :smiley:

When your parents call and you unconsciosly drift the conversation into a new trick you’ve made up.

That just doesn’t seem right

How about when you bring a yoyo to a soccer tournament knowing that you can’t possibly have time to throw it but you bring it anyways.


It might not seem realistic but it happens. It’s not like I’m an independent adult though. I’m a teenager- but if my mom calls while I’m out it seems like the conversation always turns to Yoyoing somehow. It’s not like if someone calls with serious news I drift the conversation to Yoyoing. That’s just wrong.

When your yoyo is expensive then your phone.

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Oh man, dem feels…


people watching and complimenting you get annoying because it hapens everywhere you go

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