Yomega Fireball and Spectrum

I got a fireball about 1 - 1.5 years ago and a spectrum about a year ago, and they play like semi-responsive looping shaped yoyos. Do people sand down the transaxle to make it more responsive? I feel like these yoyos are borderline unresponsive, which I find really odd.

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Double loop the string around the axle should help

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I’ve actually been triple wrapping it to make sure it doesn’t slip. I’ve noticed that the transaxle seems to be a bit too wide.

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I’ve actually been triple wrapping it to make sure it doesn’t slip. I’ve noticed that the transaxle seems to be a bit too wide.


so I plan on sanding it down a bit


Check to make sure the spacers are in the right direction

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There aren’t any spacers it’s a single transaxle on the axle

Take a picture of the axle removed and the cups



Have you tried flipping the plastic transaxle around?

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it’s the same on both sides. I noticed the transaxle can slide around in there so I need some sort of spacer

I really don’t know man, I haven’t messed around with one of those in ages. Have you tried using slightly thicker string?

I’m using Kitty XXL :joy:

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This really does not look right. Something is wrong here.



that’s what I thought :sweat_smile:
My fireball is the same, both are semi responsive, leaning towards unresponsive

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Fireballs and Raiders are notorious for having to be modded to play correctly. I play mine with a friction sticker added. Use the Forum’s search function for threads like these Fireball/Raider modding. New way to mod them?

I don’t have pads, could I just put some flowable on it? :joy:

You could make your own friction stickers with followable, search the forums Duct tape Friction Stickers!!!

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Have you done this? Reading through the linked topic, it seems really sketchy.

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I did that back in the day (2003-2004ish) with a dif-e-yo wide load while waiting for new pads to arrive it didn’t really work and was very inconsistent.

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I think a cloth tape like 1st aid tape would work better as it would absorb the silicone better, stick it to some wax paper to protect the adhesive and squeegee the followable smooth and to a desired thickness. Cut out circles when it cures. Shouldn’t be to hard or messy.