Frustrated with fireball

Im a beginner. But Im having an infurating time with the yomega fireball. I cant get it to respond.
Im having no issues getting any of my other yoyos to respond (butterfly, k2, & arrow)

I got the fireball to play around with looping and Im so frustrated with it I wish I haddnt bothered.

I know its built differently than the others. Can anyone help me understand why it throws so different that it wont do a simple respond?

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You need some kind of silicone grease on the axle inside the transaxle so it responds better. This wears out over time amd gets less responsive. It is a little maintenance heavy, but it will help.


I had the fireball as my main 2a set for several years. It simply doesn’t respond consistent enough to loop.There are seriously better yoyo’s for around the same price point

If you want the fireball looping try a thicker string and thick lube into the transaxle.

I would honestly recommend trying a couple different yoyos. I recommend the Duncan hornet and blitz ball


Yep lube it up. It’s annoying but fireballs eat lube to play well

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