Wood is Good

I really like mine, too. It’s on loan to a friend right now. I should get that back this weekend. I haven’t thrown much wood at all lately. I’m lucky to get any playtime at all. I’m giving a lot of energy to some music projects.

Greg, I’d love to get my hands on one of your yoyos. Let me know when they’re available.

I didn’t originally have intentions of making more than the one. :wink: If I figure out why the hole saw sucks (or if I just invest in a better hole saw) and I find some extra Side Effects, I’ll make one for you, though! No idea when if ever that will be, though. :frowning:


You’re using OD side effects? I must have missed something. I thought you were making your own. It’s a great idea to apply to wood. I also thought you might do a run of them. But, I guess if you just want to rest on your laurels as Fixed Axle February co-champion… :slight_smile:

Haha, yup, OD side effects. It seemed like an easy and accessible way to make a screw-apart yoyo when I tried and failed miserably to find inserts and a way of boring an axle in order to make one more like TMBR’s.

It was a mixed success, to be frank. If I decided to make my own design and release it, I would order some inserts and machine screws online and see if Colin or mrcnja could make me a batch of bored wooden axles. :wink:

At least you’re taking a swing at it. The process is its own reward in that type of endeavor. Few yoyoers ever actually make a yoyo.

That’s the way I saw it! :wink:

The wooden axle thingies I got courtesy of mrcnja work great in existing yoyos and worked dandy along with the SE’s, too. If you’ve never converted an aluminum yoyo that’s meant to be unresponsive into a fixie, you’re missing out. It’s hilarious.

I may have to order a few to find out. I can’t help but imagine I’d burn right through the string and hurt someone. I bet those things would be great in something lightweight like a One or Whip.

Yay! the new run of EH’s is here! i missed out on the first run, but i have one of these on the way.

Me, too. Pricier than I hoped, but I pulled the trigger anyhow.

Ok so I’ve been dabbling with fixed axle play recently using a velocity with the bearing removed (the bearing seats essentially form the axle). Pretty unprofessional, I know, but you make the best of what you’ve got, right? Anyway so I’ve been planning on getting a TMBR to step up my fixed game. What would you recommend as a good start? I can afford the Irving right now, but the shape doesn’t look ideal for string tricks. I was also considering saving up for a Baldwin, which looks pretty epic.

As always, I recommend the Lovejoy. It is just a pleasure to play. I recenty got a second one myself.

I gave one to somebody for the gift exchange and I had a chance to try it before I sent it off and it was awesome! the best trick I could do was mcbride rollercoster without the world tour

Impressive! With that much sleep time I could probably pull of a few of my less-slacky combos.

Neither LoveJoy nor Baldwin will steer you wrong. For the most part I prefer the Baldwin, but it’s so close that there are days I pick up the LoveJoy and say “Nah, I like this one better after all!” and then back to the Baldwin a few days after that. :wink:

Wonder how the EH is going to stack up? :smiley:

Haha, I also have 2 Baldwins. My EH got here today, but I’m going to wait and play it first tomorrow, for the fresh feel.

Brazilian Kingwood…is good

That’s epic. How do they play, though?

My grandpas making me 2 wood throws this weekend! One similar to a TMBR and another one with a C sized bearing.

Woohoo! Optic Star No-Jives ship today!