This week Has been a huge step up for me in yoyoing! From meeting Paul Escolar unexpectedly to creating a whole new trick that I find amazing to perform. One thing I have recently discovered however is a new love for responsive yoyos, more specifically the ones involving wood. Last friday I spent the Day at the central Washington state fair. While there I took notice to a toy exhibit they had this year titled “Toytopia” which focused on numerous toys and there history. I thought "oh well they have to mention the yoyo so i might as well take a peak inside. Inside they had a duncan stand that was selling wheels, butterflys (xt), and pulses. They also were giving away Duncan ignites to anybody that could make it go up and down, not wanting to miss my chance at a free yoyo (cause hey, free things are nice) I picked it up did shoot the moon and won my free yoyo. The rest of the day I was bouncing that little wood sleeve axle yoyo up down and all around. Really made me think about responsive play and how much fun it could bring to me. I then began thinking about wood yoyos like the No-Jive. I went online and searched for wood yoyos and stumbled across the TMBR website and am very impressed with what can be done with their yoyos! I was wondering if anybody had tried one? More specifically the Irving pro, Freemont, and Lovejoy? Who knows I might just become a woody for life like ED


I’ve been wondering the same thing. Can’t wait to hear the feedback here.


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I have a Fremont and Irving pro. Absolutely top notch wood throws. I barely touch my no jives anymore.

Astral, that is beyond generous of you. You’re about to make somebody’s year, as it relates to yoyoing.


I’m actually really interested in how these yoyos play. Responsive throwing is fun, but I’d rather let these go to someone who deserves them more than I.

Glad to hear that. I never cared for No-Jives, but I’d love to try an Irving Pro.

I picked up a Velocity recently and I’m loving it. Without the security of long spin times + stability, it’s so much fun.

Great fixed axles.
I don’t play fixed axles at all, but these were a blast.
Each different type of wood used to produce the same model have different weights…
The variety is a blast.


For all you guys wondering about how they play, no need to fear! Once I get these two beautiful wood yoyos reviews are to come!

I love playing with tug responsive yoyos every now and then.

Nothing like practicing with the Mondial. ;D

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