What you HATE about yoyoing

I used to have this problem really bad!

I made a post about the solution i finally found Here

Personally, the part that I hate is when I cannot choose the times I have available for me to buy the yoyo I am looking for. Sometimes I may have been looking for a certain yoyo for a year or two, and the BOOM, there it is, and I have to buy it now. It doesnt care about any bills or other obligations like food, or gas I may need at the moment, nope. It has to be bought, and bought right this moment.

I hate that feeling of feeling forced to act right now, and the panic of someone else on the prowl gonna scoop it up before I can.

Here lately, preorders has done wonders relieving this stress for me, but that only works for upcoming drops. Old retired ones are a real hunt thats simply gonna take time.

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