What was your VERY FIRST Yo-Yo and WHAT YEAR did you start Throwing?

dec 2014 yyf protostar

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Duncan Butterfly, December 26, 2014

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Duncan Speedbeetle, January 2011.

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Duncan Midnight Special. Around 1987.

I love that Ed and I both started with the same yo-yo around the same time period. :slight_smile:

Yomega power brain xp
November 2011

First (that I remember) was Coca-Cola; late 80s / early 90s. Won my first competition and a gold Team Coca-Cola yoyo as the prize. Then I guess studies and girls got in the way!! Picked it up again this week with a YYF Velocity. Man, it’s good to get back into it! For clarity, I’m 32. Things have changed a lot…

I see many others from this thread have the same experience…, brilliant!

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My grandma bought me a Duncan I believe back around 98-99. My first decent one after that was the Yomega fireball. I quit for a long time and just started back up again. I had several yoyos some of which I still have. I sure wish I had them all just for old times sake.

Started in like 98-99 with a Yomega Fireball. Stopped for like 10 years and restarted with a MagicYoyo N9. A few months ago.

A LOT has changed lol.

2005 I started with a Yotech Power-Gear. Still have it, still love it!

Some clear plastic butterfly shaped yoyo, Stole it from my older brother in 1987.

Picked up a Yomega X Brain when I was what I think, in kindergarten? Played for a few months and quit all the way until December 2014, where I am 25.

I just found a website that sells my first (decent) yo-yo… I had it back in the mid/late 90’s!

I had a yomega brain also, and they have that older model too…


Red Duncan Imperial, probably 1962 or thereabouts … I would have been about eight years old.


Yomega Brain ~spring 2000, then a SuperYo Wildcat ~spring 2001 when SuperYo came to our school; that’s when I’d say I started throwing, but I didn’t find the yo-yo community until November 2006.

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Duncan imperial
May of 2020

Russell/Skittles/Twix collaboration yoyo that were being sold in my country in candy stores and supermarkets as a promotion back in…oh man I don’t even know…'97?

Wooden axles and in my spin tricks I went through strings like nobody’s business.

Later I got a steel axle one that I won in a local small-time contest ata candy store.

Bought a Yomega Saber Raider some time after that that’s lasted me over twenty years. Only picked modern ones up this last year.


A tick before May 2009, which was when I registered on this site. My first were a Duncan Imperial and Butterfly, bought at the same time. My first ACTUAL yoyo was a Dark Magic. My first metal yoyo was a dv888, and my first high end yoyo was a General Yo Hatrick.

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Started on a Duncan butterfly in 1997, I was 12. Learned the basics on it, Split the Atom, Rollercoaster, Shoot the Moon, etc…

From there I got my first ball bearing yoyo. It was a Terminator Tornado 2 because the Tigersharks was out if stock. The sliminess definetly helped my accuracy.

I got a Super Sonic Spin 2 and a Yomega Fireball. That Sonic Spin screamed like a banshee and had a weird blue plastic bearing if I’m remembering correctly.

Then I finally found the Yomega Saber Raider and be sure if what I had used in the past to learn, it was easy mode doing tricks on it. I was pretty happy with it for a good while

I was at the mall one day and there was a center booth in the mall with a bunch of kids yoyoing. I thought I had walked into the gates if heaven. I had to get my hands in whatever they were selling because these kids were good, really good. It was a ProYo booth and I walked out with a Turbo Bumblebee GT.

The Bumblebee quickly became my first real love. I used it at my first yoyo contest. I took first place and also got beat trick (I just did a bunch of tricks with regens to make it look like it was all one trick.). I felt like I was hot stuff and got myself a yoyojam Super Spinfaktor. Between that and the Bumblebee GT I was set.

I remember in 9th grade me and my best friend that also went on this journey with me, Chris, would sit in study hall and just stare at all the awesome yoyos in the yoyoguy catalogue. @unklesteve was our hero. I remember seeing a glow in the dark slimline fixed axle Duncan yoyo with an alien on it and bought it asap. It was the last yoyo I bought for a while because …

Girls happened and I was out of the game for a while. I picked it back up in college. Everyone was gacky sacking and I was like, that’s cool, but can you yoyo?
Couldn’t find my old yoyos, and ordered a Yoyojam Patriot on a whim. I am glad I did. I used that one and only yoyo for 4 years (2003 through 2007). 4A had come out so I learned how to do it. I got my dazed and confused buddy Billy (whose favorite thing was nunchucks) into 4A with me. He new nothing about yoyos. I told him keeping it connected to a string was a thing if the past, and since he didn’t know anything about yoyoing he went with it. I took him out ta the park and gave him a yoyo string. I tossed that Patriot as high as I could in the air and stood under it and caught it. He thought it was the coolest thing he had ever seen. So through trial and error, I got him to a point to where he could catch it. He was a quick learner because he had hit himself with nunchucks so much he was no stranger to pain. We had so much fun tossing that Patriot back and forth to each other, seeing how high we could get it in the air with still being able to catch it.

Then I got a job, found yoyonation and started buying and trading yoyos so I could try as many as possible without spending a fortune.

Way more info than what you asked for, but I felt compelled.


1985ish with a No Jive and a Hummingbird, and more seriously with a Yomega Sabre
Rider in 1998…

Followed by Renegade, Cherry Bomb and my beloved Bumblebee GT.

Anyone remember Dave from
Dave’s Skill Toys? :pray:


This is one of the greatest yoyo stories ever.

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