What is your biggest yoyo pet peeve?

I hate that there are so many awesome throws available. I only have so much money and so much time! I can’t play with them all!!!

enjoy the throw my friends.


No i agree, there are too many releases. The market has been over saturated, and now… it just feels like whats the point now :no_mouth:


Yeah. I have not purchased a yoyo in 2 months and have no plans to buy any as I am enjoying what I already have and find trying different types of strings and string lengths makes old yoyos feel new and exciting. I don’t have a weight problem but I do have an emotional-eating problem and I am trying work on that as well as my emotional-yoyo buying problem.


I think identifying is a good start👍


Knots, knots everywhere :sob:


I feel you. Though mine is more compulsive than emotional. I’ve spent my whole live not really feeling the need for much stuff or a nice car and I never really got heavily into collecting anything until yo-yos. Thankfully I don’t have the discipline to really research the past and become a completist about any particular brand, but I’ve still have what feels like waaaay too many and don’t see much lessening in the impulse to keep getting more. In recent days (wake of A-May-Zing and Yoyo Day probably) I’ve had a weird feeling thinking about them like an awareness that getting a another one isn’t going to be really different and obviously not going to improve my skill, but it’s the thing in my life that I’m using to fill some sort of void. Obviously no yo-yo or amount of yo-yos will ever do that so it’s just a little sad to realize that the compulsion behind the hoarding in my case is at least partially driven by something other than the plain desire to try something that plays different/better etc.


Well, emotional or compulsive. Same problem for me. I like window shopping though.


When I forget to uncheck FedEx option from a YYE order and my wife gets notified from her account that I bought more yoyos…


I ship to the office to avoid that “informed delivery” issue entirely

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I feel kinda dumb for complaining about this, but it is a pet peeve. It sort of rubs me the wrong way about how many yoyo releases get praised as being like the best and greatest thing, and then are immediately forgotten about when the next release is dropped and that’s now the best and greatest thing.

It’s hard to get excited about new releases because of this. I feel like I get more excited about a yoyo when I see people bring up one that came out months/years ago, and that it’s still a favorite for them.


I feel that as well! Especially when it’s one of those brands that drops like 4 of them, and those 4 guys gush for a week before it disappears from the yoyogeist forever.


The yoyo brand ether is fascinating. Since I didn’t get into yoyo until early last year, sometimes I feel like I’m acquiring long forgotten knowledge when I learn about a pre-covid boutique company that was super hyped up back when they were around, but now they’re just a blip in the yoyo history books.


Part of it for me is that following what’s coming and picking up the ones that look like I would like makes me feel more connected to the yoyo world. It’s something like ego/identity bolstering. And wallet abusing, obviously. Tyler Severance said something in an interview I heard right when I started modern yoyoing that I think is really true for me, something like “all yoyos are the the same. They’re different, but the difference in your head about how you see yourself is more relevant to why you like it than the actual differences between the actual objects.” Then he made a comparison to why people like certain cars, but I think that was the gist of his point. There are a lot of players here who I believe can feel the differences enough to know what they like without so much ego/identity going into it, but I know for me, it really matters who’s associated with it or even who on the forums here or on discord says they like it. I read two people say that one of the C3s that just got posted was the best yoyo they’ve every tried and of course now I need to try it. Hope this was on topic enough…lol.


when a yoyo is not played freely because it may get dinged…

all good dings in time, i say.




I guess it feels a bit like hype stuff (Supreme, Bathing Ape, etc.) and fast fashion where everything new is the greatest thing of all time but none of it lasts.

That’s why I’ve recently been holding out on yoyo purchases and just seeing if the yoyos I’m interested in (especially full-sized unresponsive yoyos) stick around and get praise months or even years after their release date.


The only downside with this is if you like getting small run yoyos from boutique brands and want to make sure you get it. Like, I’m a big fan of several smaller brands that do runs of 100 or even less sometimes, which means if there’s one colorway I want there may only be 20 of that colorway in existence so if I want to have it, I kind of have to get it asap or risk not being able to find it on a BST later.

That said, I’ve stopped buying every single throw from favorite brands and now I just get what really interests me. The only brands that I still buy every throw are brands that are owned by friends because I want to support them. Other than that, I agree that getting an older yoyo that still holds up months or years later is a great way to do it. On a related note, the Orbital GTX is even better than everyone says! haha I’m pretty sure that’s a slightly older Duncan model.


It might not improve your skill, but having more and more expensive yoyos does make you a better person. That’s just science.


For sure, there’s no way to see if MFD yoyos hold up when deciding to buy them since they disappear in seconds, which just makes yoyos more similar to hype stuff, since hype brands like Supreme also have their drops sold in seconds. If I want a yoyo like that, I’ll just buy it on the drop day, since missing out would mean a difficult search for the yoyo on the BST.

That’s great! Most people actually view the Orbital GTX quite favourably, they just prefer the similarly priced Grasshopper GTX.


8mm axles. The tiny buggers drive me nuts and seem to go flying every time I unscrew a yoyo that uses one.


Hmm I think my biggest yoyo peeve is capitalism :stuck_out_tongue: