What is your biggest yoyo pet peeve?

Overpriced monometals.


One word: knot

My biggest Pet Peeve is excessive yoyo consumption and artificial demand for the skill toy. Too many yoyos on the planet and not enough hands are utilizing them.

Another pet peeve of mine would be all the Buy Sell Trade post here on the forum. The frequency of these relentless daily posts convolute the forum, BUMP, I don’t like having to filter so much to find interesting discussions. Thus, I think there should be an entire upgrade to the site for a classified section. Furthermore, in order to post in classified section there ought to be required annual registration fee $10-$25 as member. YoyoExpert de$erves a cut and if I were Boss I would not allow BST to occur at all. Because every BST transaction on YYE site, cannibalizes a potential unit sale SKU on the store shelf. Ie. YYE’s opportunity cost of providing Yo’All the Privilege to participate in free BST. Our Gain, YYE Loss sadly spoken. Having said that, if you are reading this and participating in YYE BST, you had better not be patronizing any other yoyo store, that would be unjust. Practice Loyalty!

I enjoy these forum sites with dedicated classified sections. The CABE is free, BMX Museum is pay-wall. Pay Up Suckers~

Thank You Mr Bouley, Appreciate you and the YYE staff.


The forum is built on discourse IIRC. Put in a feature request and see what happens

I don’t know why some kids want to do this but alot of kids ask if they can touch my yoyo.:person_shrugging:


Sharing the love of yoyo is the best part of yoyo


You first.

Yo you can just turn off BST like I got mine turned off so it doesn’t show up. Also like why does it matter if people like buying yo-yos and BSTing them like idk…if it makes ppl happy, just let ppl enjoy themselves? Also BST is cool bc then ppl can get yo-yos for cheaper than retail idk…I buy new bc I like to support the companies I want to support but uh idk bst is still cool tho and it’s sweet that ppl can do that here.


Alternate viewing angles, people are going to buy, sell and trade yo-yos regardless of if yye offers it here. If they allow it here they can see what’s getting attention and further use that to drive ordering stock that fits the buy habits of those that frequent the site anyway. Also engagement is engagement and an impression is more valuable than a single sale if it results in a repeat customer.

Final counter point most everyone selling youos isn’t doing it to get rich but because they love the hobby. FAF is a perfect example of this, sponsors throwing products at a community even if they don’t really sell anything fixed axle and it’s most likely the same client they already are engaging elsewhere.

Reality is YoYo people are just really cool and it’s kind of an anomaly but also one of the reasons I personally love this community.


It’s nice to be able to sell yo-yos that you don’t use anymore without extra fees, and have them go to someone who can enjoy them and/or can’t afford full price. If it wasn’t done here, it would be done somewhere else. It’s actually good for Yoyoexpert to allow it here. It helps bring traffic to the site which can potentially lead to purchases from Yoyoexpert by seeing advertisements, reading reviews, seeing cool pics, etc. The more reasons to come here, the more people here, the more the community here grows, which can lead to people feeling a sense of connection to and admiration for Yoyoexpert, which can lead to supporting Yoyoexpert by choosing it as their place of purchase when possible.


I got 4 throws in a trade recently, I would have never been able to afford them otherwise, at least not for some time and certainly not all at once, I think the bst on here is great!


I actually like the idea of an organized Classified section. Head-fi has a section like this for the audiophile community and I totally dig it.