The bank
My brothers face
Lol jk, huh I’ve broken
A lamp
An old Tv
A Wooden Board (my TaeKwonDo instructor wanted me too)
And hit a couple of relatives nervous giggle
i didn’t break anything but I cut a huge flap of skin off of my thumb on my NTH today… damn Trigger lol, i had just switched over to it too
My elbow skin, my lip, a candle, my income, my video game life, etc…etc…
2 windows, tv, computer dented tables… all with learning boomarang ;D
I’ve broken the living room light bulb and the pattern design thingy around it just with a plastic yoyo.
Luckily I haven’t broken anything yet but my dad gets nervous whenever I yoyo by the tv.
Plenty of replies to this very question found here:
he breaks spirits
knocked down my friends ps3 trying to loop with a mc donalds spider man yoyo LOL
The yoyo
My two front teeth
And often my pride
How? They’re so strong, once I broke a car window using the bar used to jack up a hydraulic jack (it’s like the shape of a police baton). To my surprise, on the first swing it bounced off the window and the impact left my hand numb. The second swing did the trick, and my whole hand went through the window because of the force needed, and needless to say my whole hand was cut up.
Anyway, I haven’t broke anything with my yoyo, except my own skin. I make sure I have enough room to yoyo so I don’t break things. The other day I accidentally hit my majesty on my glass desk and all it did was mark the ano. Even though it barely clipped the edge, I felt like an idiot. Other than that, the only thing I can foresee myself breaking could be the light fixture on my ceiling
you might not believe it but i broke a TV screen
Supernova power
Nothing yet… YET… Well… I have broken my hand and accidentally did a couple of sleepers and they hit the ground… But I don’t think that counts cause it didn’t break the tile…Anyways if I did break something, my mom and dad said they wouldn’t let me touch a yo yo ever again… So I gotta be very careful :-\
seems a decent amount of people break watches. moral of the story: don’t wear a watch and yoyo
On that note, I’ve dented my friend’s ceiling before. has 2 loop 900 shaped indentations on it from a full powered around the world using old string. Don’t think anything else… yet.
unless skin counts, because I had to get 3 stitches on my eyebrow from a pgm.
Wow! I usually wear my watch when i am yoyoing, so now i know to take it off!
Also 100th reply!
Just got a new white G-Shock watch, and whenever I yoyo I take it off and usually wrap it in my beanie (assuming I have it with me). I’m as careful with it as I am my yoyos
I haven’t broke anything, but my friend hit himself right above his upper lip. I thought he cut his lip.