Most expensive or Biggest thing broke while yoyoing

I’d say 2 teeth

The yoyo itself - Ever since I hit my yoyofficer Rave on the ground it’s had perma-vibe. I was able to tune most of it out but can still feel it on a grind.

the hearts of thousands

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I broke a nice watch while learning to do Eli Hops a couple years ago… smashed the glass and watch stopped working…

You should post a video in the tutorial section and show us how to do those Timex hops ;D

erik kerber killed his light once…

my bimetal super start took a nice lil divot of glass chipped out of the counter top of a glass display case at my work (LHS). I filled it up with super glue and sanded smooth. Only told one co worker about it. lol

Only my bank account and social relationships. :’(

Light fixtures remain intact.

I’ve broken 3 different watches, and one was a nice leather Swiss army watch :’(.

Other than the yoyo, nothing yet. I am truly shocked that I haven’t broken something yet after 2.5 years.

I’m always surprised by some of these catastrophes. I’ve been yoyoing for nearly 5 years (wow, how did THAT happen?) and the closest I’ve ever come to injuring anything other than the yoyo was once when I knocked my own glasses off during a trick with a lot of string wraps that snagged. And I use a very open space in my living room or I go outside to throw.

Oh, I got a string burn on my finger pretty bad when doing eli hops in the beginning. But now it’s a it’s a leathery beast, so that doesn’t happen anymore.

I’ll say that I haven’t tried tricks like shoot the moon, because I really do have an aversion to metal objects hurtling towards my face. Maybe that’s why I’ve stayed so pretty. :smiley:

I haven’t broken anything yet, just smacked a few things and created some damage to the yo-yo, more than anything else. But, that was in the beginning, before I learned to be more careful. That hasn’t happened in awhile. I make sure of that.

It’s kind of off topic but I’m proud to say the yoyo broke my smoking habit. I needed a hands on replacement habit. I found one by accident and was able to quit cold turkey. My wife has no issues with the new habit as long as I don’t break the bank account.