What have you Broken with a YoYo?

My YoYo, Black Eye, Busted Nose, Calloused Fingers, String burn on my neck (from a behind the neck suicide), Cracked my door and wall… Bout’ It I guess

My temple, a light bulb, the bank, and a picture frame.

I had a knot and well, it hit a sensitive area…

Well i haven’t broken any thing yet but ive hit myself and others many times. Actually one time i was throwing a horizantal and my yoyo broke off the string and almost hit my mom. This may be supriseing to some of you but i found that hilarious. She didnt.

I have broken my social life,but it’s okay,I didn’t have one to begin with :stuck_out_tongue:

A glass lamp cover. In my defense, it was an old, tacky thing with “coca-cola” on it for some reason, so it deserved to be broken. And it was in my basement.

the globe on my ceiling fan and a few hearts