Donations are easy and I don’t see how this situation can take so long to fix. I ran a 5k for cancer today, and our team raised 14,000. The donation only took minutes online. Heath needs to fix this.
You may believe what you’ve written about his throws there but the BST, the YYE sales page, and popular opinion disagrees with you. Even with the group bash attitude that’s happening (not saying it’s misdirected), I still don’t have a problem admitting that he has some admirable skills and knowledge…and I certainly would never agree with the assertion that just anyone can do what he’s done or that making a great product of any kind is easy. VSNYYC is one of the most popular names in the game and it’s also one of the smallest companies. That tells you something right there. I remember just 2 months ago people were arguing very strongly against me in an effort to get Heath to make more Ti Walkers so his business could grow. People wanted him to be successful specifically because he’s done great work.
You always had the option not to deal with Heath, but if you wanted to, you generally knew you might be jumping through some hoops. I was ok with that. Fraud was not on the list of possible offenses until now, which is why I also said that this may be the point at which I’m no longer ok with it.
I just got off the phone with Heath. He asked me to make a post stating as such.
He spoke very openly regarding this matter. I advised that he do the same thing to forum members. He agreed. He’ll be making a post here in the morning.
What, like everybody can’t wait to get their hands on B.I.O. stuff? If the news goes as we all expect, Vs. Newton will dissipate into nothingness, as it should be if Heath did this.
People clamoring over yoyos that came from a foul person who robbed cancer kids isn’t a good thing and I would be sad to see it happen.
You have a good point, and maybe I’m wrong. But I think that regardless of what Heath did people are still going to want VsNYYC. Mostly because of what Davion said, they play good. Also, they’re already rare people are going to go nuts once they find out they’re never going to be made again.
Hey, I have a great idea!
Why don’t we, as a community, organize our own fundraiser. People can sell off their VsNYYC’s and give the money they made to a well trusted community member who will then donate said funds to the ACS. This way people will be able to enjoy they’re precious sought after yoyos and still sleep at night. Knowing they have been absolved of all sin through a community organized fundraiser. This may be a large task to take on, but I think it’s doable.