This will start some debate!!!!

Yeah, this is what I’m doing. As soon as the Yeti drops, I’ll pick one up, then maybe get a Rally later. I know for sure I’m going to get an XLR8, it looks to interesting to pass up, and the price is great.

No. I’m not trying to diss it. I’m saying from a pure competition standpoint, it doesn’t seem as good as the yeti or rally. However, it does look very center weighted as mentioned. Some of the most fun throws I own are very center weighted and nice and floaty. I’m not trying to say the XLR8 is crap. That’s not what I meant. I meant that from a pure performance standpoint, I honestly don’t think anything will top the yeti or rally for a while, though I’d be happy to be wrong. If you don’t want to listen to my opinions, I really don’t care. You seem experienced enough to make your own decisions when it comes to yoyoing as it is. But hopefully this clarifies what I meant with my previous post.

No. I love YYJ. I just shipped you like 5 retired models. Would I have any of those if I didn’t enjoy YYJ? What I meant to say in my post was that, having tried both the yeti and the rally, I find it difficult to believe it will be able to top them from a pure performance standpoint. I’m not dissing YYJ, I don’t think ANYTHING can top either yeti or rally for a while. That aside, this does look like a very fun throw. Like I said, center weight generally means floaty and fun, which is awesome. So while maybe not a competition oriented throw, it still seems like a great throw and I will probably pick one up. Last, I don’t believe people are abandoning the yeti and the rally for it. The difference in price is $10… And in the yoyo world, that’s pocket change. From what I have seen, people are planning to buy all 3. (Me included)

So I’m sorry. I should’ve been more clear in my post, but please, don’t try to attack me.



Just curious, how long have you had the Rally for? When people get the newest throw, they tend to believe its the best throw. It lasts for about a month, then they start noticing what it lacks in. I highly doubt that the Rally and Yeti will still stand after all the metal throws that are soon to be released. The “new” YoyoFactory, One Drop Valor, and lets not forget the YoYo I’m most awaiting, the YoYoJam Captivate. I read something on forums awhile ago that stated “YoYoJam’s hybrids don’t get the praise they deserve. People confuse hype with performance”. I think that the One Drop Valor is gonna mop the floor with the Rally and Yeti. And you’ve only played the Rally and Yeti. Not the XLR8. So you can judge the Rally and Yeti accordingly, but all you have to judge the XLR8 on is a thumbnail, and a video. I think you should try it before you judge it.

Over a week. I don’t believe the rally is the best throw. Not at all. You should all know by now, I think the summit is the best throw ever seen by the world. One onedrop vapor and format c are both going to be very well received. Why? It’s onedrop. But SO IS THE RALLY. Some people just love a great plastic throw, and I honestly believe the rally is the best plastic one the market, and will remain that way for a while. (The yeti isn’t out yet, but it ties it.). So new onedrop metals won’t just make the rally obsolete. You still seem to miss the point that the rally is PLASTIC, the others are metal. People will continue to buy rally AND yeti because they are metal like playing plastics that you can carry around without breaking the bank. It sounds kind of like you think older yoyos don’t exist after new ones come out. In YYJ terms, does that mean that since the H3X came out, nobody will buy the theory or the inspire anymore? I forgot to address one more thing… You say that it won’t stand against the new metals coming out. Duh… It’s a plastic. However I think it will be just as good as all of the new throws coming out. Price doesn’t always indicate how good something is. While you bring up valid points, I don’t honestly think any of the things mentioned will happen. The rally will, in my opinion, stand as one of the two best plastics on the market for a long time. That’s my 2 cents on the issue. Oh one last thing. You say YYJ hybrids are underrated. This is partially true. Things like the inspire deserve more hype. But then doesn’t hype go hand in hand with performance? I think for a lot of things it does. CLYW is hyped because they don’t have any BAD throws. Same for onedrop, general yo, and some other big ones. So YYJ hybrids aren’t extremely hyped, that’s because there are so many of them. They aren’t bad, but they’re not extremely stellar. The rally is, stellar IMO. No other plastic tops it, and only delrin come close. That’s why the yeti and rally are getting hype. They play way better than would be otherwise expected. Ok, now I’m done.

As always, good debate :slight_smile:

makes me wanna go grab a Rally. anyone know when they will restock???

I’d imagine soon. They wanted to make more colorways.

Hopefully will start assembling next week. Restock… A month?

That is if we’re not busy working on other things. :wink:

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It’s not that hype makes them bad. CLYW makes good yoyos but that are way too over rated. Few of their yoyos live up to the hype (Cliff, Puffin. That’s pretty much it). There are tons of underrated YoYoJam Hybrids. The Ringmaster, New Breed, SR-71. And yes CLYW does have bad throws. Are we forgetting the Peak? That throw sucks. But the only reason it’s over hyped was because it was the first CLYW. That’s it? That’s what’s causing all the hype? That just proves hype does not go hand in hand with performance. And again, you should try the XLR8 before you judge it, especially with all the bold statements your saying.

That’s negating the huge popularity it received when it was the /only/ CLYW.

And how long have you owned a peak? According to yourself you can’t get a full opinion until a month. The peak doesn’t suck. It was made in 2006. For its time, it was AMAZING. Why do you hate it? Is it ‘just because of the brand?’ I’m clearly not the only one making bold statements here. Many YYJ bi metals are underrated because, lets be honest, there is better out there for the price. The rally is a perfect example. One last question. Have you even thrown an XLR8? I’m not sure how you can claim it will be amazing if you haven’t even used it. Or have you thrown all 3 versions of the peak? You should try them before you judge them.

It seems to me we would keep the forum more manageable if we didn’t quote the last ten posters in our replies.

The OP was certainly right, this has sparked “some debate”, and some unnecessary acrimony as well.

It never fails in these type of threads some make hyperbolically derogatory remarks about one yoyo or another. The Peak was a favorite throw of many and remains so for some. To say it “sucks” is exaggeration beyond the pale. About a year ago I made some disparaging remarks about a particular yo-yo and Steve Brown jumped in and beat me about the head and shoulders with a counterweight for my unfair representation of the throw. He was right.

You want to know the truth, one is very hard pressed in today’s market to find a “bad” throw. Sure some are superior to others, yet many opinions are simply generated by personal preferences rather than objective analysis. Listen, I’m older than most of you. (I went out to eat this evening and the waitress directed me to the “Senior” section of the menu to save me some money.) The truth is if you were to have had almost any of yoyos for sale on this website 15 or 20 years ago people would have been awestruck by such a throw. Whether it be a pricey CLYW yo-yo or something from Duncan, the throws you kids are buying today are incredible. If I were to have picked up a Duncan Echo in 1998 I would have thought it such an amazing yo-yo I would have found it to be unbelievable. Now it’s just considered the middle of the pack. But it’s still outstanding!

It would behoove all of us to show much greater appreciation for the advancement of our equipment over the past decade and stop making absurd, derisible remarks such as the Peak was a bad throw.

^^ Thanks, I’ll stop quoting. This is the same view I have on the peak though.

I haven’t heard anyone who likes how the peak plays. And CLYW wasn’t over hyped back then, if I remember correctly.

You’ve HAVE be kidding me.

You’re wrong in both of these statements, especially the first. I actually could not believe you just posted that.

This is the first post I’ve seen in a long time that was so full of complete misinformation it hurt to read. Please, if you don’t know, just stay quiet instead of giving false info.


The Peak wasn’t only hyped after it’s initial 2006 release, but it was hyped even BEFORE it’s release. Take a look at the thread showcasing the introduction of the Peak… 26 FREAKING PAGES full of HYPE. It got it’s hype just cause of it is the first CLYW? No… you couldn’t be more wrong. It got it’s hype because there was nothing much like it at the time and it looked freaking awesome. Read the thread and inform yourself:,3358.20.html

The Peak was probably the best playing yoyo out there at the time of it’s release. Around the time of it’s discontinuation, there were models that outplayed it, but in 2006 it was slim pickings, and the Peak was the best of the best.

I’ve only heard a few people say they didn’t like the Peak, and I’ve been in the community and researching CLYW history a lot longer than you have. It’s people like you who are obsessed with competition yoyos and the like that makes you think older models like the Peak “suck” when in fact without the Peak you wouldn’t have half of the models you have today. The Peak does not suck.

I’m sorry you’re so incredibly misinformed and unaware. Please never post on this forum again unless you actually know what you’re talking about instead of giving people nonsense. Yeah, my post was harsh, but yours was downright ignorant.

If this thread or my post gets removed that would be a darn shame. People need to see this thread. Leave it up, please.

This was fun to read!

Another thing to think about, when is a plastic still considered a plastic?

Metal weight ring yyj’s were always known as hybrid or bi-material.

Oh and I guess I should answer … I’m gonna buy a Rally! I have enough Yetis here. They just eat all my pizza and take super long showers. Need to get them out of here!


Are you hinting that the Yeti should be known as a “hybrid”? If that would cool some people’s jets, I’m fine with that.

The Yeti is not a hybrid since it is all made from one material (minus bearing spacers), the material though is actually a composite fiber-filled plastic if you want to me more exact.

The actual plastic is what I was referring to… I think it should be known as a hybrid since the plastic is composed of more than one material.

What is the “composite fiber” you speak of? Is it similar to carbon fiber? Graphite? All I’ve been hearing was glass… I’m just trying to understand what exactly is in it. ? ? ? ? ?