The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

OMG I was looking at the tracking and holding my breath… :dizzy_face: Finally it arrived!!



Hopping on the Manta Ray train here. I just picked one up, looking for something that I could take apart (and so not be nervous about knots working on string tricks.) I’m new to the 0A game, but it’s my favorite fixie so far… That said, I have yet to try any of the fancy wood yoyos that people here like so much


Hey peeps, does anyone know if you can fit a RBC on the Zipline stand? My wife has an RBC and mentioned she’d like a stand for it…


I don’t believe they do. I have 2 of them and tried to fit a responsive on it, but I think I had to change the bearing out for a full spec one. The gap is a little too narrow. I can confirm tomorrow as they are both at work.

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Found this on their website:

:::: FEATURES ::::

  • Genuine ZipLine yoyo stand made from a super durable acrylic (like plexiglass).

  • Designed to display size C/unresponsive yoyos.


The SnapBack plays.

Ok, it’s a little loud for my tastes :joy:


Little zipper repeater thing I learned today!


Lately with my Duncan Butterfly I’ve been using thinner strings like, Kitty og and Markmont 65. I tie them in a hitch to get the response consistent but I’ve ran into a little issue. Every other throw refuses to sleep and returns almost instantly! If I’m really gentle I can mitigate it however when I try to brother stall it doesn’t “float” into place. I remember reading something about “sweet and sour” throws but now I can’t find the page with the info. Anybody know why this is happening to poor little ol’ me??



My man! :sunglasses:

Edit, After reading through that I realize it doesn’t address my issue albeit interesting and useful. Thanks!

This is what I want to know about in pertinence to the hitch knot technique. Why does this happen?

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I just unscrew it a little, put it on then tighten it back up.


Learning 0A has created a problem for me. At least there aren’t 1000’s to choose from like 1A.


I can totally take some of those problems off of you if you need a hand :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s what is recommended for my turntable motor bearing.

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Been playing this fun imperial from @Shwa


Retro Gamer today.


One thing I’m learning during Fixed Axle February this year is the difference between fixies and modern responsives in terms of response character. For instance, with fixies I can achieve what you might call “pull response” where the yoyo returns if I just pull back gently with my throw hand. This is different from “tug response” (or what I like to call “yank response” with some yoyos) which is typical for responsive yoyos with ball bearings.

There are tricks that are harder to execute–or just frustratingly less smooth and less satisfying to execute–when you are stuck with tug response instead of pull response. And since my favorite little combo right now is only fun (for me) with pull response, I find myself only playing fixies like Imperials, Butterflies, and TMBRs, while my metal responsives collect dust (the least frustrating–in this regard–is the RBC).


The RBC shoumd be pretty easy to respond, is really shouldn’t take a yank. Is it is, if you can put one tiny drop of lube into the bearing, you will never have that problem again.


Prior to Fixed February, I was enjoying Modern Responsive. I was getting pretty consistent with Trapeeze stalls.

I have found it more difficult to do/learn tricks with Fixies this month. Part of it has been the learning curve of “Tuning” the response with String Torsion - Which seems to always be changing.

I feel the Modern Responsive are Easier in this area with the Pad Response and like Mr. Glen said, a drop of thick lube.

The RBC is my current favorite out of all my Modern Responsive throws.

I have not thrown a Bearing Yoyo this month, and don’t intend to. But will definitely be comparing Feelings of Both in March.

Side Question for those Reading - Can the Black Cannon accept Half Spec bearings?


Yeah, string tortson as a response tuning method is a little annoying. But at least I don’t have to take the yoyo apart to adjust response. I guess it’s a case of pick your poison.

I love the RBC because it is just as comfortable as an Imperial, but plays so much better overall. It’s just the need to give it an oil change on a regular basis to keep the response where I want it that keeps it from being the throw I grab when I just want to mindlessly do my dumb little combo a few times.