The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

After I watched your ProYo II Mach 5 video I was like, no way! So, thoroughly inspired, I have been Mach 5ing my Unknown butterfly as of late ( I need a new axle for my PY2.) Feeling very :sunglasses: even if I can’t combo a fixie. :slight_smile:



This 100% needs to be reused in the future.


I saw several times in intro posts people talking about how they started yoyoing to kick habits like smoking, vaping, etc. I legitimately love the fact that you are like “I’m a pro, I can do both at the same time, hold my beer” haha!


i mean i think seth has a fire new social pfp!


I’m def taking this for my new profile pic! Fantastic! Thanks, Charlie!


I honestly kind of hate that I mostly record on smoke breaks, but I’m also just trying to embrace it. It is what it is. Life’s hard. I’ll kick it when I kick it, ya know?


Hahahaha. Great minds!

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Sometime the ash is so long I’m holding onto the edge of my seat waiting for it to break off mid combo lol.


My favorite is when it falls off right when I catch the yoyo :joy:


It’s like a mic drop.

It’s silly, but I feel like it’s necessary to say.

Smoking is seriously not cool. I genuinely regret ever starting, but it was always in the cards for me. (I also love it sometimes, but I do not love the difficulty breathing, extra coughing, smelling like an ashtray, or the evil eyes that some people throw my way.) I hope and plan to quit one day. Not sure what day that will be, but I know it gets closer every day :+1:

If anyone on here is thinking of starting smoking, please heed this advice, DON’T!!! It sucks way more than not smoking. Trust.



Once you feel the time is right to quit, we’ll be here for you for anything you may need.

Chin up, dude; Always do what you know is right.

P.S. I love the new profile pic, lol. I designed myself a new pic too, but I’m worried the Snoopy thing is too iconic.


Spittin’ straight :fire: :fire: :fire:

Fwiw, If you’re the kinda person who’s open to replacing a bad habit with a better (though not necessarily good) habit, vaping works. But not that crap you get at gas stations, got to a vaping shop with actual hardware and get a setup. Highly rec premium juices.

All said, if you haven’t started either habit, DO NOT START. This is advice for smokers trying to quit, NOT advice on how to start.

Also, there is no “going to finish this box (I already paid for it)” the first step to quitting is knowing you want to quit, the second, immediately after, is to trash everything you have left and not buying any more.


Straight :fire:


It’s iconic as heck, but that’s not important. I think as long as you keep the username, your profile pic can be whatever you want.

You will always be snoop diggity to me, though :heart::joy:


I didn’t mean to make this about myself; really Seth, we’re here for you, dude. Through anything and everything.

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Vaping definitely will not work for me. I’m certain I would just end up with 2 habits instead of one. It is how my mom quit cigs, though, and I think it’s great if it works for others.

But, yes, replacing bad habits with better ones is an excellent way to go about it. I’m not convinced that vaping is “better”, though tbh.

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:joy: Shoot. It ain’t all gotta be about me. I’m good dude. Truth be told, I did my “don’t smoke” PSA, because I know there are a bunch of 15 year olds on here and I really don’t want them to watch my videos and think it’s cool. It’s NOT.

Edit: let’s get back on topic here. 0a is so fun! I’m going to start, well kind of have already, a fixie tutorial series on my YouTube channel as an extra resource for folks :+1:


I only mention because it worked for me. I also want to re-iterate, I’m not talking about gas station setups. Those are crap, and imo, objectively worse than smoking. Real setups with premium juices and decent hardware, imo are objectively better than smoking. When I say better, I don’t mean 100% healthy, I mean healthier than smoking (the healthiest thing you can do is not have vices, but we’re human and vice make life worth living, even if they are objectively bad).

I’m also not saying it’ll be easy to switch, but having vaping as a fallback definitely made it easier. Also, vaping can also be a hobby in and of itself, depending on the setup you have. Also, why smell like smoke when you can smell like fruits?! Also, who doesn’t love waking up NOT hacking up a lung and breathing like your lungs are on fire.

Fwiw, smoking LOOKS cool. Smoking, however, is not cool

Edit: Based on your edit, let’s call this the end. However, I’m always free to DM on such topics