The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

alright yall, i need help getting consistent flips. anything that requires i flip it while stalled (kickflips and the like) i often get rotation as well as the flip, so it does a twisty flip and makes it much harder to line up the catch. anyone have tips for a cleaner flip?


If you get a purple one, it will be new mould for sure.


Make sure the yo-yo is sitting still when you start. Then try to flip the yoyo in a straight motion by lightly swinging your arm. Also popping with your knees can help too. Neutral string torsion.

What yo-yo are you using? Bigger diameter yo-yos will be more resistant to side rotation.


I’m using my butterfly. I’ve been trying to pay close attention to what may be happening, but i haven’t seen anything specific. maybe just my form is off. i think I’ll try to get some attempts on film and see if i can see anything from that angle. ill post what i get too for extra eyes on it. i feel like I’m running at like a 30% consistency

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Ya, I think a lot of it is practice.

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i bet. i always try to work out any technique issues then im fine grinding it out. I’m just always afraid if i grind bad technique it’ll be harder to fix down the road. but like most things, I’m sure I’m overthinking it


Advice I would give for someone learning Kickflips is to Trapeze Stall and just swing the yoyo back forth on your finger and get use to the motion you need to swing straight back and forth. Do a slow flip, bend your knees, with a slow swinging toss up to head height, giving the yoyo some hang time, giving you more time to see what’s going on and react, and slowing everything down. Sounds like you’re on the right track though if you’re hitting 30%. Higher consistency will come with time and practice.


thanks. head height?! that’s way more of a toss than I’ve ever given it. I’ll give it a shot

also at this point i may need to clarify. i did mention kickflips and i do need better accuracy with that and i feel like the same technique will help with that. however, what I’m specifically working on, in case it changes any specific tips, is I’ve done a mars landing from a gravity throw and i wanna toss it into a lunar landing. I’ve gotten it some but frequently the loop just isn’t in a position to get my thumb into

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I’ll chime in to mention I’m a big advocate for pinching the string w your throw hand. Once you get more consistency w your free hand it doesn’t matter so much but I find it helps make the flip cleaner and more uniform.

It can also help to try practicing doing double or even triple flips. Don’t even worry about catching them. Just work on the release into a cleaner spin on the axis you want. When the flick gets more familiar it’ll make the regular single flip more consistent.


I was going to chime in, and obviously still am, even though it’s mostly pointless at this point :joy:

I can only echo what they have all said.

I did exactly what Jerrod and ED suggested. The swinging without releasing, the throwing double and triple flips, and especially, getting good at flipping them without even trying to catch it, all helped me figure out how to do them. They seemed impossible, literally impossible, at first. My kickflip learning self would be amazed at what I’m doing now, and is. :+1:

You’ll get there before you know it.


i decided to do as suggested and try to just toss it a bunch without worrying about catching to get my throw consistent. one thing i noticed right away was that i frequently don’t move my th nearly as much as my nth. that differential was pulling on the yo and setting it to twisting. hopefully if that’s my biggest problem I’ll fix that and throw it a few hundred more times and I’ll be set :grin::yo-yo:

nice to be able to throw for a few minutes. I’ve missed it so much last few days


Yeah dude. As stupid as it sounds, the not throwing might’ve been the worst part of being sick. It was eating at me. Glad you’re feeling a shade better at least.

Okay, full disclosure, I’m just really proud of this one. I always feel awkward posting tricks here and in Facebook groups, unless I’m, like, promoting (unpaid) someone’s stuff that I really like, or something like that. Idk why. It’s kinda silly I suppose. Anyways, thanks for listening to my Ted talk.

Check this out!


”Well, Seth—do you have enough skills to share with the whole class?”

Seriously dude, too awesome! Well done! :smiley:


I… bu… WHAT? Incredible dude. I can do StA on a butterfly but my No Jive does not, in fact, jive with that.

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Excuse me, but I only watch professionally made and edited trick videos of professionals with a team of cinematographers and choreographers (even a director, if they can afford one). If the trick is anything less than 10/10, I will sicc my millions of millions of rabid followers on you and you will never see the light of day again. If you spent anything less than 10k on the vid-

Huh? What- Oh, this? Haha :grimacing: You-

Ig- you can… You can ignore this. I am totally a sports yoyo person. G- Go team! Or Sports! Which ever is more applicable? :grimacing:

I am, in no way, envious of the fact that you can do any of that with a vintage Duncan. No way. No way, no how. Not me!


I had all this. You seriously can’t tell? What am I wasting my money for!? :sob:


Obv overpaying your crew then. This is clearly all done by AT MOST 2 people. MAYBE… I’d guess one person tho. Clearly shoddy work. Sub-par; sub-10k :joy:


You got me. It’s actually just me and my cigarettes. This is why I’ll always be sub 10k :disappointed:

