The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

Honestly, it seems like you’re on the hunt for a no jive or BC Apollo. Consistent response, can sleep a decent amount of time, and can most certainly do those old school tricks you called out. Also, @Eric_Newlin is selling some of his Gnomads currently on the fixie discord. Super awesome wood fixies.


@Yodaddyo @TryCatchThrow @GnarlyCharlie

Your yoyos belong to the same batch. :smile:
The shipping service I use forwards the parcels to Singapore before dispatching to the US, and there’s been some delays due to the Christmas rush.
But they should start arriving in the US soon. :bowing_man:t2:


Thanks you for sharing your experience with me. :blush:

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Tracking for mine says its out for delivery :grin: i know what I’m doing tonight then


Excited for you to play with them!

Finally getting these Mutagens down!


Happy Fixed Friday!


Recently returned to yoyos. My interest in 0A is piqued since last time I yoyoed, bearings were just becoming mainstream. So I dug out an old BC Rainbow to try the basic stalls. Problem is, it doesn’t stall. It’s freely spinning on the wooden axle like it was meant to do, to do string tricks within the allotted time.

Is there some kind of modification/technique that won’t damage this too yoyo much or am I better off getting a more suitable yoyo?


maybe I’m not understanding but stalls just require the yoyo to stop spinning so it’s ability to free spin during other tricks shouldn’t matter. you can stall any responsive yoyo. can you be more specific about what you are attempting and what is happening?

edit: if you mean you land in a trspeze and it doesn’t stall, you have to start it responding before it makes contact with the string to get it to partially wind up

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Thank you, that is the key I was missing.

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Most likely you’re just throwing too hard. Made this vid a while back to demonstrate this, you can still use the spin time for regular tricks ie round the world then on the return catch it in a stall instead of returning to the hand


Need longer string and a lot of practice, but I think I’m getting the hang of hydr0A


Hey so this is a general question and potentially a question given a lot here? I really enjoy playing with my stock Butterfly, but it chews through bulk poly like nobody’s business and that makes me hesitant to use a nicer string on it.

Would lube help that in any way, is there a specific blend of string that would help (IE cotton, or cotton/poly) or is it the thickness? I would love to enjoy my Butterfly a lot more without changing the string every 2 seconds.


Oh no! you may have a string cutter!

how much have you used it? after a little while the starbursts will wear down, and should go through less string, but if it’s still ripping through string after much use, you may just need to get a new one.

as for string, I’ve had the same Dark Pink Sochi Fat on my butterfly for a long time.

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I’ve had it for like 3 months ish? I have used it on and off, but without fail it chews through the string within the hour. Still does the same now, it’s chewed through at least 6-7 bulk poly strings.

They’re cheap so I’m happy to get another if this one is defective but I was hoping it was that and not user error!


Are you throwing super hard sleepers to get the longest spin time possible?

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I’m not the most knowledgeable when it comes to butterflies, you may want some more opinions.

Rub the axle a bit with some denim or take a sacrificial string and rub it on the axle a bunch to buff it a bit. That might help remove anything rough. Generally any cheap poly will be fine


Generally I throw a mix of hard and relaxed throws with it, I’ve tried not throwing it as hard to no avail, still cuts even if it lasts that tiny bit longer.