The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

Okay, I’ll try that later with some bulk poly and see how well it works! Tempted to get another Butterfly anyway just to compare too. Plus these things are deceptively addictive to collect as many here know LOL.

definitely sounds like theres a burr in the axle. take off the string and inspect the axle, if theres anything sharp in there thats why its burning through string. with normal play on my butterfly, bulk poly lasts for a LONG time since I’m not doing much outside stalls and shoot the moons


I’ll have to take a look when I get a chance to, not sure if I’ll be able to do much depending on how bad the burr is. I’ll get another one anyway cause I wanna enjoy the Butterfly experience regardless, hehe.

I have an unknown with OEM string and I throw hard for Mach 5’s. So much fun! I’m still using the first string. I would say you have a burr.

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I polished the steel-axle on my fixie and this, together with waxing the strings’ loop, has completely stopped the YoYo from rubbing through the string.

Edit: I use 100% poly string. I don’t have a shop in country selling cotton string.

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so since they’re opposite do they remove each other’s tension? interesting setup

Depends on the trick, sometimes torsion goes out of whack twice as fast

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Many people have had this problem, it’s actually fairly common. Usually a good polish on the axle fixes it right up. I add a little detail to the advice already given. With the string you use to polish the axle, take the part of the string you plan to rub the axle with and get it wet, then rub the wet part in baking soda then polish the axle. This adds a very mild abrasive to the mix and polishes a bit better. It works and I think you’ll be pleased with the results. :wink::+1:


Anybody have good suggestions for a cost effective fixed axle yoyo? Preferably cheaper but not bad.


personally i friggin love butterflies! and it doesn’t get any more budget than under $5. if you wanna spend a little more layer infinity is about to drop more kasms and they come with a bearing for modern responsive and also bearing locks that convert it to fixie mode. i think they’re $25 iirc




Dude, it finally, just now, clicked for me what hydr0a is. I’ve seen you post several videos with it in the title and couldn’t figure for the life of me what it was :man_facepalming:

You got two yo-yos on one string, yeah?

Gosh, I hope so. That’s freakin’ awesome dude! Well done!


you’ve been ill, we’ll let it slide

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Thanks! Yeah, I replaced my counterweight with a second fixie for double the 0A fun. Cheers to @Bendy for digging up this gem from 2019 as well.


I’m reading my way through this thread and watching videos and am so jealous. I’m on the struggle bus and can’t seem to land a basic stall. Ugh….more practice…


just make sure when you throw a breakaway and the yoyo gets to about 9:00 start it responding back to your hand before it touches the string. you can do it, keep at it!

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The few times I’ve come close it stalls out but then falls off my job throw hand index finger (like as it stalls kinda thing). If that makes sense.

Just need to keep practicing. I see tricks and think, that should be easy, then it takes me forever to actually do it. Slow learner I guess. Like, I get “how” to do it but can’t actually do it. :man_shrugging:t2:


one of my favorite zen stories is from shunryu suzuki about the 4 types of horses.

the best type of horse runs before it even sees the shadow of the whip. it follows its rider’s wishes naturally without ever seeming to have to try. the next-best type of horse reacts to the whip quickly, just before it touches him. then comes the horse which moves when it feels some pain on its body. the “worst” sort of horse responds only when the pain of the whip has penetrated into the marrow of its bones, and even then it may turn the opposite direction or stop outright wondering what it’s doing wrong.

i use quotes there because, although it often is a difficult journey for the “worst” horse, it is in many ways the best. if you never know what it is to struggle and fail, then you cannot value the wisdom you earn. it doesn’t “belong” to you in the same way.

we all want to be the best horse. honestly many of us probably see ourselves as the best horse and shake our heads in wonder when we don’t naturally succeed at the things we try or castigate ourselves for our ineptitude. but being the “worst” horse can also make us the most valuable one, and it removes some barriers later on. in my experience people who encounter little difficulty in learning a new skill or technique are likely to abandon it when they meet a roadblock (which is inevitable).

all this to say “you’ll get it”. or better yet, even in NOT getting it, you’re getting it.

(also here’s a 15 year old tutorial i made, although i don’t remember ever having a lisp lol.)