The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

Not sure how Brandon Vu got a hold of one of mine.

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I spy a Survivalist as well.


He would never play those. Lol.


Collectors do collect though


Would love to see a video of him God Speeding a Button.


Hi peeps :vulcan_salute:

I thingled a thAng. A fixed-axel thing to be exact. And now I am asking myself, if this project was a success, if I reached close to what a fixed-axel YoYo can do?

So I would like to ask, what I should expect from a decent fixed-axel in terms of sleep-/playtime?

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I have decent fixies that sleep 4 seconds and I have decent Dixie’s that will spin 20-30 seconds with a hard throw that hurts your arm. Depending what your goal is, sleep time isn’t extremely important on fixie. For me, response is far more important than spin time.

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Thanks. I see. My goal is to get a good retro beater out of it, that can rock some babies or twist some brain.

Your answer leads me to the logical next question: What are you looking for in your fixie-response? Feel? Type?

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I agree I think it’s helpful to try and avoid thinking about the benchmarks regarding fixed axle as being comparable to beating out unresponsive throws. It’s apples and oranges and overall feel is so essential.

I like the feel of wood. The density and the grain. The aesthetic. There are plenty of fixies I can use to emulate an unresponsive throw but they aren’t typically the ones I prefer to play.

Best bet is to try out a pretty wide diversity and see what sticks w you. If yo can get one I HIGHLY recommend scoring one of the new @Ardeus throws, as they break n SO nice. Great balance of spin time, response, and flippability.


Tonight I gave my Frankenstein-Woodyo a solid test and I am super happy. What a fun little thing. The steel-axle-mod made a peach out of a ball of manure.

But I noticed, that the string gets worn considerably faster than on my H-shape, modern responsive (as expected). Frankenstein was already running away twice and I did not even chase him with a torch. :fire:

How much play time do you get out of a string on a fixie? :yarn: :yo-yo:

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The Sochi Fat on my Butterfly has had about 8 hours of play–still going strong!

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Ah, yes. I kind of overlooked the angle of string choice.

What blend is that Sochi Fat?

Do you use it just because, or is it deliberate?

Not sure on the blend, I got it from @Yodaddyo.

I really just use it because I thought the Pink looked nice on my Red Butterfly.

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:joy: Nice. This perfectly describes most of my process, choosing strings.

Well, I know that poly is more robust than cotton, if that is true? And there is nylon.

Ou! And it should be yellow. Yellow plays best. (What do I do with my pink now?)

That’s as far as I got. :joy: :see_no_evil:

…Give it to me? :nauseated_face:

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That would probably be the most expensive, sh*tty YYF polystring ever. :sweat_smile:

But if we ever cross path, I will be happy to give you a handful for free. :+1:

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I like it nice and snappy and most importantly, reliable. I want it to respond the same way every time, while still allowing, at the very least, 3-5 seconds of spin time (more is good, too).

I don’t know if I have a favorite type of response. I like the pads in my rbc. I like the starburst in my butterflies. Keith @TryCatchThrow has a really nice “tic tac” response on his 3d printed fixies.

I think, what I’m essentially trying to get at, is any response type can be good if it’s done right.

Main things I look for: snappy- comes back immediately with a light(ish) tug, reliable- responds the same way every time.


My ardeus throws should be here soon! I can’t wait. I already wanted them just based on his shreddage, but now, seeing you and some of the other yoyo guys shredding them….

Dude. Yeah dude.


Mine are on the way too!


Same here!