Static Co. Sudo hype

Hmm why is running only 20 of each color putting the collector over a player?
A player shouldnt care as much about the color of the yoyo.
And from what I can see people like the sudo. Not the clear sudo or the black sudo etc etc.


This is a fair point, but my thinking was that limiting color choice also inherently limits the total number of yoyos eventually. You can only run so many colors until you start getting trash like… pink/brown halfswaps LMAO

Also people still have color preferences, even the best players in the world have color preferences. The obvious general example would be signature yoyos or signature colorways. Also, brighter colors like clear for example are actually PREFERRED by competitors because they stand out compared to other colors like black. This is why certain colorways shouldn’t be limited, and it’s why YYF constantly reruns aqua or teal for example - Gentry has said it’s the best color for stage usage. At the end of the day, sure, it’s a first world problem - doesn’t change the fact that it’s annoying for people who want it but can’t, for whatever strange, arbitrary reason.


I don’t have an opinion about what anyone should do but hypothetically, if there are only 20 of every color available and there are 10 highly motivated collectors looking to buy every color that is released, those 10 people could end up owning as much as 50% of the entire number ever produced. In that situation, producing any single color in higher numbers would increase the total number of people who have the opportunity to own such a highly collectable yoyo. :thinking:


I think the bottleneck wont be running out of colors. Also talking about competition use for the sudos shouldnt be a thing.
To understand the disparity between the size of the wave drop and sudos one only needs to see where they were manufactured. Plus this is like the 5th sudo run.


Sudos are a complete labor of love. They are expensive to produce and have long lead times. Running 300 sudos would cost about as much as a gently used 2019 Honda Civic. There are logistical reasons as to why sudos are sparse, and it’s not to drive up hype or upset our customers.

Aaron and I are already discussing the next run. We’re talking about higher numbers and a couple of colorways you will be very pleased with.

(It’s 300 brown/pink half swaps)


I will also add to this and say it’s not super easy for manufacturers that are “boutique” to gauge demand “every time”. A lot of times each YoYo run is taking a large “chance” that people choose your item over “the next best thing.” There comes a point where everyone owns 2 or 3 of a specific YoYo and a company has a hard time deciding to do a new run to appease a handful of people vs taking the risk that the YoYo stops selling. We can all argue “but the Sudo will sell every time” but what happens when and if it no longer does? - someone is left holding the bag, and that won’t be the customer.

Companies that are larger and sell on a large scale do not have to concern themselves with these issues as much. Smaller brands that stick to smaller runs most likely arent doing this full time and do it just to bring cool ideas to the market for others to enjoy.

Side note I have a few sudos myself and it’s truly a good YoYo.


She’s a beaut!




Mastahpiece! Perfect proof of concept, putting in the order with One Drop immediately.


Can we get lavender/purple sudo and wave?


Lavender would be a nice color to include in the next sudo run. Not planning on another wave run for the time being, but already working on a sequel to it :blush:


I would love to see a lavender sudo… :eyes:


Ah yes, the @SR1 signature colorway. A timeless classic.

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Are the side effects on the sudo removable? I wanted to ask so I don’t harm it, with how tight they are in mine.


All side effects are removable.

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Bummer, these are definitely seized in there then. Plays smooth otherwise. Maybe some freezer action… that shouldn’t be necessary.

Really have never had a side effect stuck in a yoyo. Apart from just pushing it as hard as you can try some lube I guess?


Sorry to hear about that! One Drop isn’t currently offering splashes or washes, so the vaporwaves were sent to a third party anodizer. We didn’t notice any issues with fitment during assembly, but I’m wondering if they were having some issues and the coating ended up too thick on yours? If you continue to have problems just message Static on instagram or email and Aaron will get you sorted out.



I let some lube sit on it and got one half out! I’ll probably be able to get the other side.

Great idea with the onedrop lube.

edit; got the other side out after some freezer time! They are a bit tight. I lubed the taper and were back in action


sudo :white_heart: